Just In
for naruto the last ishvalen

7/19/2023 c4 CO2 Lion
Update please
11/7/2013 c4 mattcun
plz write more
2/22/2013 c4 1blood-elf101
Great story hope. To see a new chapter soon keep up the great work
1/28/2013 c4 killer4853
plez update
1/21/2013 c4 ImagineBreaker7
Ok a little unusual but this is a good story. I wonder what will happen next.
11/22/2012 c4 Phantom Frost
update this story is kickass
10/24/2012 c4 Sun-Moon4ever
wow...0o0...totally gotta update..please...:)
4/25/2012 c4 25Spaceman
It's a Good Story, but the Format makes it hard to read. Needs more Spaces. Hope you Edit and Update Soon.
4/1/2012 c4 death5367
well... which would be worse, being blown out from the inside, or being liquefied by sand? I wonder...
3/28/2012 c4 The Man
You should continue.
2/12/2012 c4 puma1sunfire
awesome story!
1/20/2012 c3 Izanagi
love this
1/11/2012 c4 shadowbroker13
Hey I really like you story but I noticed you stopes writing I really hope you continue righting this story because it's awesome
1/10/2012 c1 11000Nachts
Too quick, and not enough plot or backstory development.
1/8/2012 c4 23Remzal Von Enili
naruto as scar...raised arround garra? cooooool!
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