Just In
for claustrophobia

11/13/2013 c1 Lizzie
Super cute and super funny
3/3/2011 c1 8Nattkitten14
luv it, lol connor looking like he did when he was a kid and he found out star wars wasn't real, except this time he wasnt on the floor crying. lolage!
2/27/2011 c1 14Kizza is a RIOT
LOVED IT! Is there more? Please say there is! I need more! x
2/26/2011 c1 morrigan75
Great story, very cute. Jess would make a killing as a thief.
2/26/2011 c1 15Cabbage Ninja
That was a really nice story :D

Arrr, I love Lester

Well really really really good :D
2/26/2011 c1 2The.Evil.Squirrel
HAHA! Loved it :)! Toasters...XD I was right! Ruth Kearney is irish! hehe =P...ginger mono-brows XD! btw, imma be stuck in the car pretty much all day today so text me loads? :L x

anyways...PLEASE WRITE MORE! :D :D :D

2/25/2011 c1 31Cooper101
Great chapter.

Very funny and very sweet. I hate lifts too, but not the same why Jess does.

Brilliant story!
2/25/2011 c1 14Squabble
At least Becker had the decency to close his eyes. Great story! You have to love the vent crawling. I'd say my favorite part was Matt thinking about discount toasters. Good job ;)
2/25/2011 c1 23Whatever-the-weather
Aww poor jess great story! :)

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