11/13/2013 c1 Lizzie
Super cute and super funny
Super cute and super funny
3/3/2011 c1
luv it, lol connor looking like he did when he was a kid and he found out star wars wasn't real, except this time he wasnt on the floor crying. lolage!

luv it, lol connor looking like he did when he was a kid and he found out star wars wasn't real, except this time he wasnt on the floor crying. lolage!
2/26/2011 c1
15Cabbage Ninja
That was a really nice story :D
Arrr, I love Lester
Well really really really good :D

That was a really nice story :D
Arrr, I love Lester
Well really really really good :D
2/26/2011 c1
HAHA! Loved it :)! Toasters...XD I was right! Ruth Kearney is irish! hehe =P...ginger mono-brows XD! btw, imma be stuck in the car pretty much all day today so text me loads? :L x
anyways...PLEASE WRITE MORE! :D :D :D

HAHA! Loved it :)! Toasters...XD I was right! Ruth Kearney is irish! hehe =P...ginger mono-brows XD! btw, imma be stuck in the car pretty much all day today so text me loads? :L x
anyways...PLEASE WRITE MORE! :D :D :D
2/25/2011 c1
Great chapter.
Very funny and very sweet. I hate lifts too, but not the same why Jess does.
Brilliant story!

Great chapter.
Very funny and very sweet. I hate lifts too, but not the same why Jess does.
Brilliant story!