11/1/2016 c3 Hero of Olympus in Disguise
Oh. My. God. This chapter was insane! Why did you stop?! The chapter was so good! At least tell us what she "said"!
Oh. My. God. This chapter was insane! Why did you stop?! The chapter was so good! At least tell us what she "said"!
3/30/2013 c3 Andrew
Is this going to be updated? Please? It's the best one I have seen so far
Is this going to be updated? Please? It's the best one I have seen so far
2/8/2013 c3 Guest
1/29/2012 c3
13cold as ice 1915
love it! Poor Sarah. Please update I need to know what happens next! Nice grammar. Keep up the good work!

love it! Poor Sarah. Please update I need to know what happens next! Nice grammar. Keep up the good work!
1/18/2012 c3
Let me just say, I love this story. Very well written, I really hope you continue it.

Let me just say, I love this story. Very well written, I really hope you continue it.
12/19/2011 c1
Hello there. Allow me to say first and foremost that this story is absolutely brilliant. You had a great first chapter that drew me in immediately, i was hooked practically at the very first few lines. Pokahontas... LOL!
Then your descriptions and the way you portray you character emotions are all so vivid that i was practically feeling the anxiety that these chapters carried. I love your characterisation too. Ive only seen the movie but it felt like you really had the character nailed in this and that you even added a few layers of your own. Sara seems like the character that most developed. even thought i got from the movie that she is really hardeaded when it comes to the things she has made her mind about, this is a whole new level and its so totally fitting with the atmosphere you've created. nothing seems out of place in this story and its only the first three chapters! seriously, congratulations, you're a great writer and you should really continue this story because its awsome. I already am so curious about everything. You're great at dropping hints that will carry the momentum of the story forward by the way. Like who created that storm and why did they leave Sara alive and what was that mesage (that most code bit was fantastic, i was practically on the edge on my seat from the moment they put the disk in until the end of the chapter. the torture part was gruesome the the right part as well, and i felt so bad for Sarah, but mostly i could realate to John's anger! Its fantastic ow easi ti is to relate to the way you portray your characters!)
Loved this story and I hope you update sooon! Im totally stalking you author page :D

Hello there. Allow me to say first and foremost that this story is absolutely brilliant. You had a great first chapter that drew me in immediately, i was hooked practically at the very first few lines. Pokahontas... LOL!
Then your descriptions and the way you portray you character emotions are all so vivid that i was practically feeling the anxiety that these chapters carried. I love your characterisation too. Ive only seen the movie but it felt like you really had the character nailed in this and that you even added a few layers of your own. Sara seems like the character that most developed. even thought i got from the movie that she is really hardeaded when it comes to the things she has made her mind about, this is a whole new level and its so totally fitting with the atmosphere you've created. nothing seems out of place in this story and its only the first three chapters! seriously, congratulations, you're a great writer and you should really continue this story because its awsome. I already am so curious about everything. You're great at dropping hints that will carry the momentum of the story forward by the way. Like who created that storm and why did they leave Sara alive and what was that mesage (that most code bit was fantastic, i was practically on the edge on my seat from the moment they put the disk in until the end of the chapter. the torture part was gruesome the the right part as well, and i felt so bad for Sarah, but mostly i could realate to John's anger! Its fantastic ow easi ti is to relate to the way you portray your characters!)
Loved this story and I hope you update sooon! Im totally stalking you author page :D
11/28/2011 c3 aBrokenJar
Please update soon! This story is very well written and kept me on the edge of my seat. It's a shame not to continue! (:
Please update soon! This story is very well written and kept me on the edge of my seat. It's a shame not to continue! (:
8/4/2011 c3 Trish
Ooooh, I hope this story is continued! It is definitely the best I Am Number Four fic I've read! Great job!
Ooooh, I hope this story is continued! It is definitely the best I Am Number Four fic I've read! Great job!
7/16/2011 c3
Oh please update this story! It's very good so far and I'm really enjoying it! I cant wait to see what happens next so keep up the good work! Awesome story!

Oh please update this story! It's very good so far and I'm really enjoying it! I cant wait to see what happens next so keep up the good work! Awesome story!
6/27/2011 c3 Darin Urbine
Wow, this was really good. Ashame you stopped writing. I hope you decide to write some more to this because I thought it was really good.
Wow, this was really good. Ashame you stopped writing. I hope you decide to write some more to this because I thought it was really good.