Just In
for My Crazy Life

1/7/2023 c17 Cool person
Team waffle all the way !
9/4/2021 c13 b.con.luv
Team Waffle
11/28/2014 c11 Hero Dean
9/13/2014 c17 1Maiannaise
Omg, Eric... which ones Eric again?
9/13/2014 c16 Guest
Just found your story and I'm loving it! I love Anna and Paul, I also love how fun it was in the beginning and carefree and now it's sort of getting more serious as you continue. Update soon!
9/13/2014 c16 Guest
I really love your story, it's so good. Please update soon
9/3/2014 c16 Christy
I love this story so much! It always has me smiling. You can tell that you sort of have a different writing style now and I kind of like it. Please update again soon!
9/3/2014 c16 Maiannaise
Probably Anna. You now have 77 reviews! Only 3 more to go! Looking forward to the next chappie!
8/24/2014 c15 5a.jaded
I've loved this story so far! It's awesome and I can't wait to read more!
3/10/2014 c15 wolf-girl-only-in-my-dreams
Well random cookie ninja. I have heard lit about your story's in other story author notes. And I have to say I was not disappointed. I really did enjoy this story. Just sad it's not finished. But I am gonna check out the rest of your story's.
8/18/2013 c11 2MicroSpider
8/18/2012 c11 Aquarius Malfoy
5/15/2012 c15 LuVsKy101
great story cant wait to read more
4/1/2012 c15 1bow.and.arrows.13
super epic awesome story! WRITE MORE! Oh and happy (late) birthday!
3/31/2012 c14 Guest
Great chapter! Please update soon!
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