Just In
for Shadow Stalker

8/5/2021 c17 12SparklingSoul
okay so I know it’s been years since you last updated, but just so you know, it’s also been years since I first read this story and yet here I am, continuing to come back. I’ve read quite a few “Nancy is being stalked” fics and I gotta say this one stands out to me. The mystery is genuinely intriguing. The general premise is scary and interesting by itself (come on, stalkers are so scary! For anyone, but with Nancy being the victim? Damn), but what really gets me is how hard it is to figure out who the stalker is. There’s multiple suspects and they all have done things/behaved in a way to make us believe that they’re the culprit, and yet there are other times that make it seem like it’s NOT them. I’m seriously curious as to who it is. Had you already known ahead of time while writing this? Or were you going to decide later/when you came to it?

I also, of course, love the francy aspect of the story! I often get into other fandoms and pairings or just life in general, but there’s something about francy that always brings me back to it lmao. It might be a while, but I’ll eventually pick up one of the books on my shelves or read a fanfic and all the charm of that ship comes flooding back :’)

Besides francy tho, I love how you incorporated Bess/Joe in this story too! They’re a pairing that I think is grossly underappreciated! I wish there were more moments between them in the books and also more fanfics with them as a pairing.

Anyway, I know it’s been a while since you updated as I’m sure you have more important things going on in your life, BUT if you were ever to have some free time or get a spark of inspiration and want to come back to this story then I for one would still be very much interested- and grateful. That being said, if you don’t ever come back to finish this, that’s okay too. Thank you for giving us all that you already have :)
7/6/2021 c18 3Nan girl
!631164 reviews
That shoould be enough motivation! continue this Pls!
You have soo many people waiting!
10/20/2020 c18 2novembershowers
update please
9/7/2020 c18 2raven678
I know it’s been so long since you last updated this story, but please please update again. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat the whole story and I really want to know how it ends. Your writing is really good!
5/4/2020 c2 hgufytcgvhbkjiugykfcnbvhkj
Why the heck is Nancy crying? Miss 'er Dad already?! He's still there!
1/26/2018 c18 20angelicalkiss
such a good story. please continue!
1/24/2016 c18 12SparklingSoul
Noooo! Why do I always find and read really good stories only to find that they're unfinished? I need to stop doing this...
10/30/2015 c18 samira
OH MY GOD! I love your story soooo much! -
Your an amazing and incredibly talented writer.
Please update soon! I won't be able to sleep without knowing what is going to happen! O.O
4/26/2015 c18 Snowgirl01
Please please post more
4/8/2015 c9 samantha
jst awesome story...
3/22/2015 c18 4David Fishwick
Awesome idea so far and I hope there is more soon
12/23/2014 c18 1Isabella Cullen 2005
this is so good please update soon
2/14/2014 c18 MienaiFille
Please don't leave it at a cliffhanger. I want to know who the stalked or stalkers are, also that bit in the first chap. I really wanna know what that was about.
10/10/2013 c18 2kvance
Omg update please?
9/11/2013 c18 CQ
Please update! You cant leave us on a cliff hanger like that for months! 333 Love the story!
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