Just In
for Every Teen's Worst Nightmare

2/18/2012 c20 6curio cherry

Did Ichigo forget that his current status with Rukia was just friend n partner? He needs more than that status to think about further things such as move out or Rukia's children, uhm, their children? Funny Ichigo. So, when will we have their blooming love? teehee
2/18/2012 c20 7kalthurin

Stalks away muttering, "DUMBASS"

Any ways...

Epic chapter I have loved this from start to finish read a vast amount of it in a day, just waited till now to review it, didn't see much point in reviewing previously published pieces, but like the rest it is excellent and very sweet in places.

I have loved the interaction in this that has been brought about by the dolls, very clever.

Cannot wait for more.
2/18/2012 c20 4Eradona
Hmm, this feels like it's winding down...

Like the fact that Ichigo is plotting at the end... without really realizing WHY he's plotting.
2/13/2012 c19 3BowTies13

2/11/2012 c19 goodbyethankyou

Luv Isshin so much, he's freakin awesome! (and diabolical... xDD)

Can't wait for the next chapter!
2/7/2012 c19 1Lauri3n
This is awesome!
2/6/2012 c19 33Scyler
This is so funny! I cracked up in the beginning and I'm still laughing my ass off. It is so funny. You are an amazing writer and so can't wait for more of this. :D
2/6/2012 c19 2SaviorEmmaJones
The part about the head captain was hilarious! I could just see him mentally groaning over having to deal with those two!
2/5/2012 c19 MugetsuIchigo
Short but nice chapter! You should put some recaps in the chapters...update soon!^-^
2/5/2012 c19 8Assault Godzilla
Just by looking at the title of this chapter, [bleep] is gonna go down & everything will go wrong AGAIN. Of course, this is anime, & since this is Bleach, it's 'normal'. Or simply just effed up on a level most people don't mind it or let it happen cuz it's fun that way. ...I almost regret getting into anime, but y'know what, it helps me kill boredom. And expand my imagination. X3

Could things POSSIBLY get any more crazier than they already are? Possibly? Would anyone else care? Most likely. Is anyone around to stop this madness? At the moment, hell no. Well, it's not often Carrot-top buys his Midget partner something Chappy related, so why would she pass up the chance? I'm sure she feels a LITTLE sorry for hitting him on a daily basis. ...I think I oughta retract that last statement. Of course Yama-jii would find Byakuya & Ichigo fighting entertaining. All the while, the latter might ask for the former's sister's hand in marriage at some point, therefore causing more chaos/'fun' in the process.

If there's something I'm seeing a lot of right now, it's the hate aimed at some Bleach characters, especially Ichigo & Rukia. Idk if I should've brought it up or not, but I at least just wanted to put it out there. The series is disliked enough as it; must individuals point exactly why they despise a certain character so much? Some people say Ichigo & Rukia (+ sometimes Inoue) are Mary Sue-like characters. Forget it, I'm gonna be like a honey badger & not give a [bleep]. I'll still enjoy Bleach as long as it doesn't go anymore South. Who else is excited for what's in store in the anime next, as well as future chapters in the series's "Final Half"?

Btw, y'know what I find a bad habit sometimes? Checking out the latest chapter of any of your stories - just when it's supposed to be my bedtime. Sure, it's usually around an hour that would be considered 'late' where I live, but really, this helps me not only enjoy reading, but to also think when I can't in the day. Sometimes I pass out on my desk or laptop when I'm in the middle of writing. Is it worth it? Usually. Do I care if other people what I write now in these things? Maybe not, but that's besides the point (if there ever was 1).

Oh, & go Giants, even if I don't watch sports.

Keep it up!
2/5/2012 c19 6curio cherry
All this mess were all for Isshin's dream to make Ichigo becoming a man? What kind of man? Having a family with Rukia?

Crazy old goat =="

So, whats next?

Im waiting for the lovey dovey scene between Ichigo n Rukia, gyahahaha Cant wait what will Ichigo do?
2/5/2012 c19 25Dark Inu Fan
They do make a cute family. It'll be strange when the project is over and the dolls are no longer needed. Keep up the good work, dark
2/5/2012 c19 kurukurupa
At last! An update..! Yatta! Yahoo! Wooot! :-P

Man, I miss this story.. I had to read the previous chapters too so that I can get back on track..

Soutaicho sure is entertained cause of Bya and Ichi.. I'm sure he'll be entertained for centuries.. :-)

It's really funny how Isshin and Urahara can manipulate things around them.. That is just so like them..

Great job as usua! 3l
2/5/2012 c19 hollownature
good chapter. can't wait to see what happens next.
2/5/2012 c19 ThunderClaw03
Yeah then Isshin would have his whole family attacking him and all of ichigo's friends update soon
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