Just In
for Close Encounters, Of The Goat Kind

10/9/2016 c1 13Tropicallight
This one is so cute! Ah-Un is it? LOL! Poor Inutaisho XD
3/20/2016 c1 Gigicomics
hahahaa! so cute
12/28/2013 c1 26The Phantom Dragon
that actually sounds like an awesome way to go... well, minus the heels
12/2/2012 c1 MidnightRamble
Nice! *gives you a bag of cookies*
9/18/2012 c1 2LanaDelBaee
LOL nice story!
7/14/2012 c1 puggaddong
love your story
1/2/2012 c1 123
I like how you put "Ah-Uh" the two headed-dragon at the end!
12/4/2011 c1 126Raven Silver Wolf
OMG this is epically hilarious, poor Inutaisho tortured and out done by a goat from space, ROFL. This is pure genius, love evil he's fun (^_^)

5/2/2011 c1 Dragonlily220
3 3 3 omg this is awesomer than the first one space goat! xD
4/6/2011 c1 itnolongerexists
The idea of talking goats from space is very amusing to me. XD Haha, is there a possibility of a sequel to this one as well? Like the goat coming back to visit Sesshomaru after he's older? Fluffy did say they would meet again. ^_^
3/29/2011 c1 Hayden
I'm sorry but you can't spell worth a sh*t.
3/12/2011 c1 20BloodDove01
Loved it! You should do 1 with Fluffy and Sesshomaru meeting again when he is older! Also, update your other story soon, I need something good to read.

With Love

Lady BloodDove


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