Just In
for The World is a Vampire

6/10/2019 c17 Lbot1979
I am sorry but is this version of Sookie mentally challenged? I have never read her being this naive, and honestly just stupid. She has no sense whatsoever. If I were there I would punch the dumb cow in the face because of how reckless,naive to the point of fucking exhaustion. Jesus...
7/25/2018 c35 Seraph07
This was a good read. I enjoy your writing. Thank you for sharing your talent.
1/28/2018 c35 Sooty85
What a great story, very original - I loved it thank you :)
1/16/2018 c35 HSkarsgard
Is is the first Pam-turns-Sookie fanfic I've read and I liked it. It's not all fluff and lemons and that's what make it different.
1/10/2018 c1 KristinaDEllis
This a great story!
7/9/2017 c35 AZSeaOtter
I really liked your story! Thank you so much for sharing!
8/8/2016 c35 tleel
Loved your story.
8/8/2016 c32 tleel
I think there is a slight flaw, a few chapters back you mention how both Bill & Godric became makers on the night they attacked the wolves who where selling humans to vampires because they where slashing their captives throats. Loving the story.
2/24/2016 c19 6Delilah Moon
Hahaha then I guess you will like my last review..on to the next!... I love Ghost Hunters! Another sweet chapter! Glad to see the romance blooming! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next!
2/24/2016 c18 Delilah Moon
OK so I can't stop. I blame you! Its your fault I'm still awake! Lol see that's how good you are! On to the next!
2/24/2016 c17 Delilah Moon
Another fine chapter and great start to the romance! Cant wait to read more in the morning! Goodnight for now and I will continue this in the morning!
2/24/2016 c16 Delilah Moon
It could very well have happened with how she's been reacting. I suppose you already k ow since you wrote the story.. another interesting chapter!
2/24/2016 c15 Delilah Moon
Glad to see a plan of action taking place. I also always love when Sookie takes care of Eric and he's surprised by it.
2/24/2016 c14 Delilah Moon
Loved the lil hoopla! Cant wait for more! Sweet chapter good to have fluff and stuff!
2/24/2016 c13 Delilah Moon
I'm not happy it wasn't Sookie and I'm not mad at him for going elsewhere. I'm just glad it wasn't a f&f, just a feed. It seemed that when he thought of Sookie he stopped so that's good enough for me! Another good chapter!
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