Just In
for She will never be you

6/20/2013 c1 19FantasyLover100
Poor Sam, but he did deserve it. And Emily needs something to come to her. It is their fault, after all. They both could have fought it.
7/19/2012 c1 2Black's Wolfgirl22
First off, I LOVE this song, lol, and ha ha Sam. :p
5/21/2011 c2 guesswhoitsme
LOVE IT! Please write more.
5/18/2011 c1 TeamJacob22
This seems really familiar. I don't know why. I feel like iv'e read this before. Anyway great job.
5/17/2011 c1 hgmsnoopy
This was a cool little one shot and the story fit in with lyrics of the song perfectly.
5/17/2011 c2 al8045
4/26/2011 c1 aprizzy
Omg! I totally LOVE that song. My jam!
4/26/2011 c1 aprizzy
Omg! I totally LOVE that song. My jam!
4/10/2011 c1 al8045
Loveeee it!

please uplOad soon!

3/15/2011 c1 CanTigerucks
I'm against Emily and Sam too!

Emily could have just told Sam to be friends instead of lovers when he imprinted on her. Girl's choice right? But no! Emily Jose to be lovers with stupid Sam! They are the worst couple in Twilight!
3/15/2011 c1 17Holdmedownx

I love it. D:

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