Just In
for If I Never Knew You

1/3/2012 c8 4Cloud-Lover26
Loved it! :D Nice to know you haven't given up on this, it's a truly great story :)

I liked the thing with Rory. He's so much like Gale in some ways...

Looking forward to seeing how this is resolved.

Anywhore, good luck and update soon! 3
1/2/2012 c2 teamGale143
I just found this story and I already like it. The ending of this chapter was so cute. Yay Galeniss! Peeta better not screw it up.
1/2/2012 c8 11Solaryllis
Yay Peeta! That scene with him was really nice. I like how restrained you are. And I'm loving the Hawthorne drama and the implications for both families - Rory being loyal to Gale, Prim wanting to help, Hazelle plotting to do whatever she needs to do to get Gale to eat the freaking bread. Very interesting and original - I hope you can keep updating, I'm curious about all this.

It looked like Hazelle and Posy's names were misspelled in the beginning of the chapter but not the end... If you do go back and end up editing, that would be one thing to clean up.

Love Merlin. :D I didn't realize the fourth season was coming out already.
1/2/2012 c8 KAri
Pretty good, more Peeta soon?
1/2/2012 c8 Caliopy
Awesome! I think she should end up with Petta
1/2/2012 c8 monday
YESSSSS! Peeta was in this chapter :)))) you should include him more ;) ;) so like, is this one of those fics where it starts off K/G but ends K/P ? Hopefully it is :D

12/1/2011 c7 8emilyroorose
I ran out if chapters to read and when it got exciting too. Still wondering what katniss was going to say to gale. Favourited so update. It's a great story
9/8/2011 c7 3Anilem Atarih
I liked your story a lot!

When is Peeta going to show up? Is he going to be reaped for the quell? That would be awesome!
9/7/2011 c7 Caliopy
Loved it
9/7/2011 c7 11Solaryllis
Oooh, interesting development with this nephew! Finnick's warning gave me a chill, and her public denial of Gale felt cold although it might have been a good move to protect Gale... (I guess the Capitol probably already knows about him, though.)
8/16/2011 c6 4Cloud-Lover26
Are you going to continue this story? Because I think it's really good and worth continuing, it has potential. You're a great author, by the way :) Anywhore, good luck and update soon! 3
6/12/2011 c6 11Solaryllis
That dream was really well done. Being a victor is brutal and I think in the book I had a tendency to forget how much better off Katniss was for surviving WITH Peeta, because there were so many other complications related to there being two victors. You're doing a great job of really showing how isolated Katniss is and how much she's suffering.

This absent Peeta line really got to me: "almost expecting someone to come and check on me" Aww. :(
6/12/2011 c6 Allie
Love it update soon
5/14/2011 c5 Solaryllis
I really liked the Cinna moment! The way you described his memories and the appeal of the slowness were both really well done. I'm also picking up on how lonely and confused Katniss still feels - and weirdly (or maybe this is your intention?) it's making me miss Peeta even more.
5/13/2011 c5 11LovePeeta
I really like your story! Even though we have no way of knowing for sure, I think you are doing a good job of describing what would have happened under these circumstances. Please update soon!
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