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4/12/2011 c2 1Azalea.Rose
This is intresting, poor Wes, and just like Leia. Please update!
4/3/2011 c2 9haleyskywalker2
HAhahahaha I coul see Leia letting mara loose on Han!

Poor Wes i wonder how bad his girlfriend looked.

I cant see Luke doing that to poor chewie.

Please continue :D
3/22/2011 c1 3Booknerd101
I like how you can tell who's speaking even when they don't say their name.

Especially Yoda. Goes without saying.

Suggestion: Make it longer. And it's a bit dubious how one missed call sparked a whole investigation. Okay, quite a few missed calls. But really. And why would Padme want Anakin to mention the marriage in the recording? It's a secret... And Padme isn't that clingy. ... Is she?

Psh, and Palpatine would TOTALLY leave a Sithy voice message for Anakin to 'join the dark side'. Haha. Nice one. You could go places with this.
3/17/2011 c1 9haleyskywalker2
interesting this is, very interesting... -strokes white beard that i dont have-

please continue..or continue you must

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