Just In
for Fateful Vengeance

1/6/2013 c1 Caroline999
You did a wonderful job, I really hope that you decide to update it soon.
12/29/2011 c1 Aloujay
Ok, where to begin...

Firstly, I love the way that you write. You have a really detailed and intersting style and I really like that ^^

Secondly, I thought that the characters fit really well to their original personalities.

The story was really intense; just like the actual series and overall there wasn't any critisism that I could give you...

...well except one tiny little thing...

About half way through, when Eddie punches Vlad in the face you wrote "his fish" as appossed to "his fist" XD

This image of Eddie slapping vlad with a fish came into my head and it was really weird and absolutely hilarious!

But, yeah, fantastic story so far and seeing as this is the only story on here about Eddie and Em (who I really think are pretty awesome characters) so as you said this isn't a one shot please could you upload the next chapter because I'm REALLY looking foward to it (or could you at least notify me if your're not uploading anymore because I'd really like to know!) ^^

Oh and sorry for the super long rambling review! ^^'
5/3/2011 c1 BookshelfAwesomeness
How did I not notice that you had written a new fic?

It was very well written. Even if I didn't quite understand what was going on (I need to read the series, lol), I enjoyed reading it.

And the vampire - Vlad, I think his name was? He was awesome. Not like the glittery/sparkly dudes you'll find in Twilight.

Searching for mistakes...having trouble finding them. You must be awesome at proofreading your work. :)
4/29/2011 c1 Reining3
Very wonderful! I love it. I'm all worried now... that cliffhanger really got me thinking. There are so many endings that you could think of what might happen next. Anyways, I loved it! I was really shocked to find Em and Eddie feed off of Vlad. Never expected that :)
3/18/2011 c1 5Claire Thomas
Good stuff- but when you mentioned a way to suppress the Pravus' powers your going to need to explain it slow and careful. Also try to get more of a description of the place their in. When he first hit Eddie I thought they were out in the woods- not a whole lot of gravel out there.
3/18/2011 c1 2PandasWithBazookas
Mucho awesome story! It's hard to find stories that aren't about Vlad/Oc stuff so I was happy to find this story.

Vlad:more like you were happy to find a chapter where I nearly get killed.

Me:pfft I'm not that sadistic.

Vlad:*raises eyebrow* really?

Me:yep! Interesting idea! Can't wait to see what else you have planned. Oh wait just one question if Em fed of Vlad is Vlad her drudge?

Vlad:oh gods no.

Me:Anywho update soon!

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