Just In
for Restart

1/30/2014 c1 broken music box
It was alright. I suggest using speech marks "" instead of hyphens though, and perhaps making the peragraphs longer by explaining the going on's and surroundings, etc.
5/9/2012 c1 24Zira Vinova
AWESOME! 3 So much love for the story; it's hard to find really good fanfiction for Sanhora, sadly, when you're in America. D8 This was so so so amazing though! Totally well done; I found the link for it in the forums at first then when the computer died tracked it down again to actually review. xD;

Which reminds me, since that particular thread of fanfics seems to be more or less silenced at the moment- I went through every freaking page twice and never found out the rest of badkitten's Mar/Hiver story; any idea where that might be? xD
8/14/2011 c1 2Quetzalpapalotl
I loved this!

Is the first SanHora-fanfic I have ever read, so now it haves a special place in my heart(?)

Aww I loved to see the Heika characters together. With Märchen all confused, Hiver so polite and Elef worried about her sister xD

Oh, Elize and Märchen are sibilings, that´s cute and... weird o.o But since Elize has a part of Therese I think it have some logic (and I wouldn´t like to see her apart ;_;). But, nobody notices that she looks just like Elisabeth?

It´s cute to see all the SH Kingdom living happily and going to the school. Especially with Märchen and Elisabeth finally together.

Aaaah, I want Revo as my principal.
3/19/2011 c1 17Syaoran's Sakura
*faints from nosebleed* Ah, Neko-no-gin-san! That was way exceptional! I really loved it when Shaytan, Elef, Hiver and the Laurant made their appearance! And Idolfreet too! Although I was a little confused at first... School days a-bliss at SHK! :)

~Syaoran's Sakura

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