Just In
for Dusk to Night

3/19/2011 c1 27Orcux
Um... wow.

I haven't gathered the guts do write an M-rated fic yet, ehe. I think you did a brilliant job, however. I tried writing one in my spare time- it turned out horrible. Ugh, just talking about it makes me feel like slamming my head against the wall.

Romance between a hitman and a would-be victim... o_o Well, I guess that's pretty much the same as normal Tsuna and Reborn anyway. ...In a weird sort of way.

Anyway, yes! You should make an omake! I'm positive that it will be just as amazing as this one, heh. :D No stress though.

Thank you for sharing this with us!~ :D
3/19/2011 c1 41lilLovelyanime
u should make a sequel
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