Just In
for Unsolicited Advice to Girls with Blue Lips

7/27/2014 c1 gwuncan is super AWESOME
7/23/2014 c1 16Knifez
Holy shit the feels T_T
1/17/2014 c1 9LittleMissyGalPal
I adore this! So deep and meaningful. Gwen was a perfect choice for this poem.
7/10/2013 c1 lovelyoko31001
old and still slapping
6/28/2013 c1 TheReal-Xslayer
Wow. That waa awesome. Definately and easily one of the bet fanfics I've read
8/13/2012 c1 Emma
This is amazing. The end really got me. thanks.
1/15/2012 c1 zawnella
What the hell?
8/24/2011 c1 7Princess Emmanuella
I love this story! I don't read much TDI, but this is one of my favorite! Love it! And you should do more like this! :)
6/17/2011 c1 8W0ND3R
Holy crap, I really loved this. Like, a lot. Possibly more than I should...oh well. Consider this story forever in my favorites!
6/4/2011 c1 2LoveDoes
Awh! The end was cute. I loved it, this is going into my favorites.
6/3/2011 c1 2ilovegreen12
i actually find this very helpful even though i dont have blue lips :p
5/6/2011 c1 WreSarah21
that was a sweet story. i like it.
3/26/2011 c1 Dead Account Goodbye
Wow... That was amazing. I loved it. Great job!
3/26/2011 c1 Thus is anonymous
No words. Loved it. Great story, lovely poem, amazing usage of words.
3/26/2011 c1 23FeelingThePullCallYourName

It must have been a year I'm on FFN. I've read many Gwen stories, her being paired with many other males, and many of these stories being pointless songfictions...

But this is beast. I love the poem, and I had never heard of it before this little one shot, but I regret, because it would have taught me many things about life I didn't know yet.

And this... Beautiful is too weak to express that, so is awesome, amazing, wonderful or mesmerizing. No word can express what I felt while reading this masterpiece. You sure as hell are talented, and I must say it was absolutely worth the read. I've read many pointless stories on here, and I wish more authors were like you, and wrote about things that REALLY mattered.

Thank you for living. Thank you for writing. Thank you for this.
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