Just In
for From Roseville With Love

7/11/2018 c10 Guest
Josh be dat loner
ZAMMIE FOR LIFE (no offense Josh, I thought you were cool in book 1, but then I met Zach).
12/10/2011 c6 13Im-Not-Good-Im-Better
I would to see him TRY
4/30/2011 c10 10SKewedViEW
I really enjoyed those! It was a cool idea and you wrote it well :)
4/29/2011 c10
great story

i hope your grandfather's okay

yours truly,

4/29/2011 c10 4She-Pirates kick-BUTT
AWWWWs! Josh is forgiven! Great chapter, that's one of my favorite Bible passages too! Maybe you could do something sequel-ish, like From: Cammie, to: Josh?
4/28/2011 c10 18katiebear95
this is really amazing.
4/27/2011 c10 8Liz-Beth520
Loved it! I'd say update soon, but it's over. It was a great story!
4/27/2011 c10 53v3ry6ody5 F00L
Aww, its over? It was good while it lasted.
4/26/2011 c9 4She-Pirates kick-BUTT
that's terrib;e. i hope your grandpa's okay. tell him I said GET WELL SOON GRAMPS! even though he has no idea who I am.
4/24/2011 c9 chellygoesrawr
Happy Easter &hope your grandfather (and you also) well (:
4/18/2011 c8
amazing chapter

hope you're not grounded hahhahaha

4/14/2011 c8 8Liz-Beth520
THANK YOU! I don't think anyone has used my ideas as much as you! I love how bi-polar Josh(y) is in this story, it's fun to read :) Update soon!
4/14/2011 c8 4She-Pirates kick-BUTT
lol, follow the yellow brick road. nice chap.

heh-heh, Joshy.
4/11/2011 c7 Spero Ripresa
Yes can you put the the amazed letter on a place. i would like to see how josh reacts to that. :)
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