Just In
for A Family's Strength

7/22/2013 c29 Ziggi
I wanna know what happens...
8/15/2011 c3 DullReign82
All in all I love the storyline and I see a plot forming, but there are spelling errors and it reads too much like a script. So I suggest getting a beta . I do so like your story so keep it going.
8/6/2011 c28 LifenthewayIseeit
Oh MY goshs so confused
7/22/2011 c28 71melvncholymvmi
Loveeee This Story!
7/14/2011 c28 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Woahhhhhhhh totally didn't see that coming- Dom needs to watch his ass!

6/20/2011 c27 Gingermegs
cant believe that bitch Trinity, I hope that Letty gets to teach her a lesson. So excited to think of a marriage with Mia as the bride, she would be the ultimate Bridzilla lol. Hope that the kids are ok and they get home safely soon.
6/7/2011 c26 xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Aww how sweet! Go Leon and Rory! Lovely

6/3/2011 c26 Gingermegs
yay I love a wedding. So happy that we are about to have another wedding =) I like Mia and Vince better as well lol. Fantastic chapter, I love how maternal Letty is lol.
6/2/2011 c26 Gabi
Hello yes I speak Portuguese!

His story is amazing!

I do not have a login to the site!

5/27/2011 c25 Gingermegs
Ohh Vince would be so cute with girls. Those girls would want to never date lol with a bear of a daddy like Vince. Happy birthday hope its an awesome day. =)
5/27/2011 c25 Gingermegs
Ohh Vince would be so cute with girls. Those girls would want to never date lol with a bear of a daddy like Vince. Happy birthday hope its an awes
5/26/2011 c25 33Tashana Ambrosia
Awe! Super cute with the babies!

Good chapter. Excited to see more.

Happy birthday to you, by the way. Hope it was a good one.

*Smiles* -T.A.^_^
5/26/2011 c25 Guest
Hello my name is Gabi live in Brazil!

I love your story!

I use the Google translator!

Please continue ...

5/25/2011 c25 8Love Ink
Aww this is so sweet! :) Thanks for the birthday wishes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too! :)
5/25/2011 c25 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Aww twins- how cute. Great chapter. And HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY for well here in Aus it's today! So happy birthday for today lol. Have a great day and keep up the good work. I got my first tattoo I'm in a really good mood! lol so lots of happyiness for your bday!

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