Just In
for Through Alcohol Cleansed Eyes

7/11/2011 c6 DarkSquall246
This is shaping out to be quite an interesting story now. This chapter has been a huge contrast to the previous ones. I didn't think Clay would start seeing Kitiara in a new light so quickly.

I also really like Kitiara's character since it is a perfect combination of Squall and Rinoa's attributes in my opinion, forthright like Rinoa and studious like Squall.

Really looking forward to the next chapter. Update soon please!
6/25/2011 c6 Hidden By Shadow
Nice to see you back. Will be interesting to see whether they can keep up the truce. Will Squall and Rinoa be finding out about it? Because I can't imagine they'd be too thrilled to find out that the boy that they wanted to boot out for fighting with their daughter is now being tutored by her. Will be fun to see their reaction if/when they find out. Update soon.
4/24/2011 c5 Hidden By Shadow
Has Kit swallowed a textbook? This chapter was quite funny to watch two people not paying any attention react in completely different ways. 85% in an exam? Clay's either going to have to work hard or swallow his pride and ask Kit for help. Can't wait to see what happens next.
4/17/2011 c5 1redmangobliss95
Did I just see my name? O.O Haha thanks for the mention! :)

Hmm... I know it's weird, but a couple of things got to me in this chapter. Err, isn't it supposed to be SeeD, and not seeD? And their classroom doors don't slide open and close automatically? Lol. Ignore me. I notice stupid stuff today.

Anyway... Good chapter! I see Clay and Kit's relationship's starting to bloom. Love to see what happens next.

Keep up the good work! Update soon!
4/6/2011 c4 Hidden By Shadow
Thanks for the mention.

Clay and Kit fighting in the canteen. Didn't see that one coming. Hasn't anyone ever taught Clay that gentlemen do not hit girls? No wonder Zell and Dr Kadowaki were mad at him. Can't wait to see Squall and Rinoa's reaction!
4/5/2011 c4 redmangobliss95
Good chapter! The most hilarious one, if you ask me! XD

I can't wait for an update! Update soon!~

Poor Clay. Tsk.
3/31/2011 c3 8Unlisshed
No idea where the names came from. Maybe you can tell me?

Another great chapter. I love how Clay's friends were more put out about him not telling them about Kitiara than about him lying.

Great stuff! Looking forward to the next chapter! :)
3/31/2011 c2 Unlisshed
I'm NOT going to leave a blank review! If anyone does that, that's just really slack!

I like this girl! She has Squall's attitude wrapped up in Rinoa's feistiness, what a great combination!

Looking forward to the next chapter!
3/31/2011 c1 Unlisshed
Sounds like someone inherited her dad's style!

Good first chapter, on to the second one now!
3/29/2011 c3 1redmangobliss95
lol. I get zero point since I have no idea where the names came from. Once again, I pity Clay XD I honestly don't think that the - are really needed? Especially those long ones. I think it would be better if you changed them into Clay's thoughts? Like italicized. Plus, I'm not comfty with the () thing too. Anyway, they're your writing style. Just giving my thoughts, hehe. Update soon! Curious to see what happens between the two XP
3/29/2011 c2 redmangobliss95
Poor Clay. Indeed, the girl does dress differently. XD
3/29/2011 c1 redmangobliss95
lmao! He woke up in his boxers, in front of a T-rex, and he did a lot of super illegal stuff too XD interesting start, though I still don't see the story (well what am I saying, it IS the beginning). Gonna read the next chapter now, just paused for review :p
3/28/2011 c3 Hidden By Shadow
Like what you've posted so far, can't wait to see the next couple of chapters. Kit sounds a lot like Quistis - ambitious, high-achiever, maybe she'll end up teaching with Clay as her student.

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