Just In
for Fairies & Pies an Alive After Dark Side Story

4/18/2019 c3 19alh1971
3/6/2019 c3 TeamEricNSookie
5/23/2012 c3 Honulvr
So, I had to take a break from AAD because I felt like I had missed something when Sookie thinks about something Claudette had said about public sex while they are in Chicago at the summit. Lo and behold I came across this little bit of lemony goodness! So so so much fun! Loved it! Definitely worth the detour. I really like that they would be experimenting and keeping things fun in the bedroom. We all know that the norse sex God has tried it all so we definitely think he should be tutoring Sookie on all the finer points of love making. The fact that her Fairy cousins have started her Sex 101 course should be a little bit of a challenge to our viking to get on that education! :-)
12/1/2011 c3 Angiestl
That puddle in the floor? That's just where I melted from the heat. No big deal or anything. Just toss some smelling salts at me or something, maybe a little ice. I'll be fine in a few hours, at least until you post another chapter to this.
10/3/2011 c3 4AuntieL
Hell... yes. :D
10/1/2011 c3 3Northman Maille
Way to go Reb, totally hawt!
10/1/2011 c2 Northman Maille
Eric talking dirty is soooooooo hot!
10/1/2011 c1 Northman Maille
I loved it I LLI and I loved it here! Thank you for being adventurous! I have to read the original story too, this is great!
9/28/2011 c3 linn530
more please yummy
9/28/2011 c3 3murgatroid-98
Wow! That’s all. Just. Wow!
9/27/2011 c3 Cubbie8685
so I read your post and that just really is a bummer that people can be so harsh for no reason. I think you are an amazing writer and we are so lucky you share your muse with us. I am really enjoying the stories...and may I just say that little faries and pies chapter was ! holy heck lol! Keep a smile on your face I would happily buy your musings don't listen to those negative people!
9/27/2011 c3 sheknitsnicely
Holy SHIT that was hot as hell. Sorry for getting religious for a moment there, but DAMN! Loved it. I love your helpings of pies. :-D Skn xx
9/27/2011 c3 carnivorous butterfly
9/27/2011 c3 gnrclln
Oh my! I need to reread AAD. That was triple hot with a Viking on top.
9/27/2011 c3 desireecarbenell
Very sexy.
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