Just In
for Fairies & Pies an Alive After Dark Side Story

9/27/2011 c3 TheLadyKT
9/27/2011 c3 Gngr
Ffffan me dear Jesus? WOW! That was all sorts of fuckhot. The meal was unreal. I don't think I've ever read anything so erotic, tantalizing and just plain blazing hot. And then in the woods by the lake..all I can say is I need more coffee.

I don't know what you need to continue to write, but let me know and I'll overnight it! :)
9/27/2011 c3 vikingtrubie
Haven't read this story or AAD yet but couldn't resist thus chapter after I read your summary. Glad I did it was great! Thank you! Reading them as soon work slows down.
9/27/2011 c3 1LostInSpace33
GUH! That was just...WOW!
9/26/2011 c3 erin1705
Sheesh, that was super sexy! You certainly know how to write the most delicious of lemons, great job!
9/26/2011 c1 6Kira Kiralina

Quite educational.
9/25/2011 c2 filagirl
Yes the night is still young. More please.
9/18/2011 c2 5Baronessjai
Girrrrlllll you nasty! Lol

but I like hubby

will to

more :)
9/13/2011 c2 6Devine Justice
More, more,more! I know it's been awhile but please continue this
8/19/2011 c1 leyly
Hehe hot wow
8/13/2011 c2 IkeaGoddess
I'm glad the story isn't complete. After the talk her cousins gave her, this wasn't quite what I expected. This was a hot foreplay scene for what is yet to come. I can't wait for the next chapter.
8/13/2011 c1 IkeaGoddess
I love the set up of the scene with her cousins giving Sookie sex tips. I didn't get the part about the necklace. Did I miss something? I liked that Sookie picked Claude's suggestion first. The lemon was hot. I liked that it was from Sookie's POV and that you showed how confident she felt and how empowered she feels when being in charge.
8/11/2011 c2 luvvamps
OMG! That was hot! I really hope that is not the end. Please continue.
8/11/2011 c1 luvvamps
Totally Loving this and so hot too! I love that it is more than a one shot.
8/10/2011 c2 ELW1
Super HOT! Will you be writing more? I was looking forward to some nookie at the restaurant. :)
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