Just In
for Fairies & Pies an Alive After Dark Side Story

8/5/2011 c2 Cubbie8685
8/5/2011 c1 Cubbie8685
LOL love it ..."and no Eric is not gay" no no no he is not
5/28/2011 c2 kathy79
I'm so jealous, they have too much fun!
5/28/2011 c1 kathy79
Those were some sexy pies! YUM.
5/18/2011 c2 lozzie84
Love this little seduction Sookie has going on! Hope we get to hear about the rest soon!
5/13/2011 c2 4AuntieL
"I'll be there even faster." GUH!

Holy smokes! I just FINALLY grabbed the time to read this... I didn't want to get caught reading it at work (too hot... I would be blushing too much! LOL).

Damn. Just... DAMN. ;)
5/13/2011 c1 8Violetbat
Wow, woman, this was some HOT writing! Loved it! I'm glad I visited Fairy_blood's Pleasure Chamber so I could get to know about you. Will read your other fics for sure! *kudos fellow writer*
4/24/2011 c2 sheknitsnicely
Whoooo hawt! Loved it, you filthy cow you! :-D Can't wait for more lemony goodness. Skn x
4/23/2011 c2 ljhjelm49
That was alot of fun. I loved Sookies idea.
4/23/2011 c2 TeaCupHuman
*fans self* HOT!
4/23/2011 c2 VikingLover29
More, more, more please! :P
4/23/2011 c2 SomethingUntaken
Oh hellooo there Mr. Northman. That was very nice. **fans self** And yes, the night is still young, and Sookie does have that little fantasy of hers. Teehee.
4/23/2011 c2 leyly
hrmmm hot, love the pie LOL
4/23/2011 c2 IrisNorthman
I'm loving it!
4/23/2011 c2 SookieEriclover
not yet lol continue please!:)
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