5/18/2011 c2 lozzie84
Love this little seduction Sookie has going on! Hope we get to hear about the rest soon!
Love this little seduction Sookie has going on! Hope we get to hear about the rest soon!
5/13/2011 c2
"I'll be there even faster." GUH!
Holy smokes! I just FINALLY grabbed the time to read this... I didn't want to get caught reading it at work (too hot... I would be blushing too much! LOL).
Damn. Just... DAMN. ;)

"I'll be there even faster." GUH!
Holy smokes! I just FINALLY grabbed the time to read this... I didn't want to get caught reading it at work (too hot... I would be blushing too much! LOL).
Damn. Just... DAMN. ;)
5/13/2011 c1
Wow, woman, this was some HOT writing! Loved it! I'm glad I visited Fairy_blood's Pleasure Chamber so I could get to know about you. Will read your other fics for sure! *kudos fellow writer*

Wow, woman, this was some HOT writing! Loved it! I'm glad I visited Fairy_blood's Pleasure Chamber so I could get to know about you. Will read your other fics for sure! *kudos fellow writer*
4/24/2011 c2 sheknitsnicely
Whoooo hawt! Loved it, you filthy cow you! :-D Can't wait for more lemony goodness. Skn x
Whoooo hawt! Loved it, you filthy cow you! :-D Can't wait for more lemony goodness. Skn x
4/23/2011 c2 SomethingUntaken
Oh hellooo there Mr. Northman. That was very nice. **fans self** And yes, the night is still young, and Sookie does have that little fantasy of hers. Teehee.
Oh hellooo there Mr. Northman. That was very nice. **fans self** And yes, the night is still young, and Sookie does have that little fantasy of hers. Teehee.