Just In
for Trauma

8/26/2012 c5 28theHuntgoeson
I've just caught up with the last two chapters. You write so delicately, exploring what has damaged each of them and what it might take to heal them, while leaving it teasingly open as to whether their union might be good or bad for them. Wonderful writing - I hope you manage to do more to this story some day!
8/30/2011 c5 3JLY-75IV
Bloody excellent! The thought of Alex in 2010 running into a Gene doppelganger, aka Quinn (more or less the same age, Alex in her late 30s, Quinn 40-41, and the same scientific field) had been playing in my mind for a while and your story so far has been flawless; excellent writing and attention to detail on both shows, VERY well done and hoping for the next chapters really soon!
8/1/2011 c5 sash queen of the jungle
Maybe he does not stand up to the legend. It was all going so well. And then disaster struck. Please update soon.
7/28/2011 c5 87JessWho
Ah! You're smut-writing is just phenomenal. You're attention to detail is wonderful. I especially love "She sees he carries the imprint of her jeans on his face, the buckle loop, the double stitching of the waistband." I want to steal it :) because that sentence is so hot, and really it shouldn't be.

7/28/2011 c5 71Jazzola
Ooh dear... I am eager to see where you take this! Great work!

Jazzola :)
7/28/2011 c4 87JessWho
I forgot how much I enjoy reading your story's, they always feel so fresh and nice. Okay, nice is a lame descriptive word, but nice is pleasant and calm. I've seen Mad Dogs now, it wasn't as good as I'd hoped, I like your story much more.

This has triangle sandwiches and tea. I like your soft, polite and scarred Quinn and your portrail of Alex trying not to let past attachments to Gene decide how she should feel about his double. It doesn't feel like your leaning to heavily on either show for the plot, it feels nice :P and original.

7/27/2011 c5 29Siggy
Yes, you are very bad leaving it right there ;-) But what a great chapter, sexy and yet angsty at the same time.

7/27/2011 c5 oceancounty
Amid the angst and soul bearing I could not stop laughing at the projectile ejaculation, really hilarious. You really cannot leave it hanging(:D) this way, another update soon would be lovely. Don’t be cruel to your readers please.
7/26/2011 c5 21Fenella Church
You wicked woman leaving it there- most frustrating!

It's hardly surprising that Quinn had his little accident though with all that emotion that had been held in for so long,now maybe they'll be able to work through their angsts and maybe sort each other's heads out.

Hoping you're busy with the next chapter though because I really can't wait x
7/26/2011 c5 85theoofoof
You cannot leave it there! You can't. Get back here and carry on!

Great chapter...and fantastic smut! (Just a warning's still showing as T-rated here...might want to change it again. Don't want you to get into trouble!)

Can't wait for more.
7/4/2011 c4 sash queen of the jungle
Oh dear the date is not going well...uncomfortable silences and Quinn mistaking jam for blood and feeling guilty. Wow. Please update soon. Thanks for writing.
6/26/2011 c4 theoofoof
Ooooh, he's seeing the police detective again. With the jam being the blood. Love the awkwardness between them.

Great chapter...can't wait for more.
6/26/2011 c4 MrsCakeLady
Excellent! Can't wait for the next update :o)

6/26/2011 c4 21Fenella Church
Aw- after fractious day what a lovely surprise to see this, only one problem, I want more- asap.

Quinn is just so Quinnish it's uncanny, and I guess they both have their demons to sort out, so this could be a match made in heaven x
6/26/2011 c4 oceancounty
Delighted to see another chapter. Warm, sensitive portrayal of two traumatized souls and their tentative attempts at a relationship. Well done on the ending- anxious to see if either of them can get beyond their past. Look forward to the next installment.
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