Just In
for What Does it Mean to Trust

8/28/2024 c68 Sonia Hdz Q
Wow! I just didn't want to finish this story. Great great simply great. Thanks for sharing this.
8/27/2024 c40 1Julie Spencer
I am not sure if you are still around reading reviews since you wrote this quite a few years ago, but I wanted to leave one in case you were.
The plot of your story is awesome! I am enjoying it a lot...The punctuation, or rather the lack of punctuation, not so much. It makes the story very difficult to read, but since I am hooked on the plot and want to find out what happens I am trudging along to get to the end though it is very frustrating.
A word of advice if you post another story...Get someone to read through it before posting...Or give it a quick read yourself at the very least. It will make it a lot easier to get through and I think more readers will make it all the way to the end instead of giving up after the first few chapters.
5/9/2024 c54 Fuzz79
Excellent chapter. Loved hearing Matt’s inner sialogue about Steph’s test. Thank yoh
5/8/2024 c50 Fuzz79
Loved Matt’s impression of meeting Steph
5/7/2024 c47 Fuzz79
I w stoped to review. I am rereading this story. I have read hundreds of fanfic stories. This is by far one of the best. So much detail, angst, humor, love. So many little stories inside of this wonderful story. Thank you so much for all the work you put in to bringing us an amazing read.
10/30/2023 c68 Guest
What's with the white cunt Stephanie sitting on all the Rangeman manwhores laps. She can become their whore mascot
7/26/2023 c1 june11
I'm just about to start the story (again), but I have to say I love your dog!
6/2/2023 c32 Guest
When Doug said a woman needs to do what a man says I actually saw stars. No man alive is going to tell me what I can or can't do. I'm like Stephanie 1st and I will make my decision. In the 25 years my husband and I were married before he died he never once tried to tell me what I could or couldn't do
5/27/2023 c13 Midoric
While I really like your story, I am sorry to say I hate you repeating yourself from each persons POV. I get lost thinking I am rereading something that I just read and that I am not in the right place in the chapter.
5/10/2023 c68 crzy4luke
Thank you for an amazing story. But please please please write the sequel soon! This story can’t just end here. I’m anxiously awaiting the next chapter.
2/19/2023 c53 Diane Williams
Exciting! Loved this chapter!
11/23/2022 c68 Guest
Slut Stephanie are her man craziness
11/9/2022 c68 Guest
What's with all the Rangeman employees getting emotional and obsessing over the easy slut Stephanie! Even the bitch Ram throwing a stapler! Are these really ex Army men or Chippendales
11/7/2022 c68 Dixie Powell
Loved the story, hated the ending but with the promise of a sequel I am hopeful. No hanging here just a great job of writing a story with every emotion included. Thank you!
10/17/2022 c68 Guest
I want to start by saying I really enjoyed your story. I do have some constructive criticism. I don't mean this to be mean or rude or to hurt your feelings, but there were times when your story was very difficult to read due to the lack of punctuation which made the sentences very long and hard to read and understand. There were times I had to reread a sentence a couple of times to get what you were trying to say. There were other times that had me questioning whether or not you proofread it at all. Like I said. This is not meant to be mean. I really enjoyed the story. It is just the punctuation errors made it difficult to read at times.
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