Just In
for Phantom's Daughter

1/30/2014 c2 Guest
Make more
10/3/2012 c2 samanthatm
i can't wait for the next chapter.
7/7/2012 c2 zOINKS SCOB
:P I love the story so far cant wait for the next chapter!

I should tell you its not Eric sense they are french I suppose they came with some french-like names its Erik.
10/12/2011 c2 9katdancer
Are you planning on continuing? I would love to read more
4/22/2011 c2 the-silence-sings
I hope a smiley face says enough :) Still amazing though 3

And I just wanted to point out that it's Erik not Eric but it's your story so I guess you spell it the way you want to. Updateeeeee ;)
4/22/2011 c2 3Dreamer962
Very intriguing... I love this story!
4/15/2011 c1 the-silence-sings

Christine. is. Dead. WHYYY?

Does she have to be? ANYTHING BUT THAT! Kidnapped by Raoul? Ran Away from Raoul and got lost? Lost her memory and thinks her name is something else? Please?

I'm still gonna read and review and LOVE this, but don't make Christine DEAD!

Keep being AMAZING! :) ♥ Oh, and UPDATEEEE
4/1/2011 c1 7GracefulWolvesInTheNight
Ooh dramatic ending I like it. I think this story is going to awesome so Im excited to see the next chapter :D Update when you can!
4/1/2011 c1 AkiGirl22
Love it!
4/1/2011 c1 36Bar 96
This was really good pz update soon

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