Just In
for Royal Family

4/23/2018 c2 Aros wife isabella
More please
2/14/2014 c2 Guest
please continue...
8/21/2013 c2 2mrs maggie elizabeth cullen
please write more
4/23/2013 c2 Anon
I really enjoy how this is playing out. Hopefully we'll get to see more! Thanks for writing. :)
1/21/2013 c2 YankeeDiva
This is truly a unique setting I hope at some point you return to this it has great potential.
12/12/2012 c2 hellohelloisanyonehome
I'm sad that there aren't any more chapters! I would love to see where this story goes!
10/16/2011 c2 2nondescriptwriter
I just found this story and, no lie, I am so excited to see where it goes. I'm in love with the plot. Update soon! (Lol, this coming from the girl who hasn't updated her own story in eight months.)
6/14/2011 c2 6- Kiara -6
God I'm loving the story!

Where is the rest?

4/13/2011 c2 gabita10
Im loving the plot!
4/5/2011 c1 NotActive1234
Loved it! Update soon!
4/5/2011 c1 SweetiePieSaysHi
Sounds good I hope that you will continue.
4/5/2011 c1 fictionfriend
This is an excellent start. I enjoyed the banter between the two and it is well written. I can't wait to see where this story will go.
4/5/2011 c1 sujari6
Great start.

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