Just In
for When BirdKids Move To Forks

12/10/2018 c17 1StarWarsLover1331
plzzzzzzzzzzzz continue!
6/10/2013 c17 4Rkatp
Please hurry and update
6/7/2013 c17 2nobodyinamerica
11/19/2012 c17 Lily Frog
11/10/2012 c17 6Brackenfern
Please update this. It's amazing!
11/8/2012 c17 B Marie
One word:

10/20/2012 c17 1Lootmagoot
YAAAAAAAAAY!You updated!Thanks to me of course! kidding,OR AM I?Nah I'm supper duper late birthday!
10/20/2012 c17 Pyro of the Sea
Happy birthday! Its late but whateves :) yay! George and Fread are so funny and totaly my fav weaslys
8/19/2012 c13 Guest
I love Ron in that letter, it sounds do much like him! Lol "Hermione thinks she might be a spy"
8/3/2012 c16 justaislinn
I'm sorry if this comes across totally mean-
This is probably one of the most random stories I've ever read. It's written as if the author is 12 (which is a possibility) and there is so much information just randomly slapped together to make this story.
But for some crazy messed up reason I super love it. The Fred/george/ash thing is cute and I really just like some of this story. Soooo...
Write On:)
7/29/2012 c16 10Kirigiri Kyouko
7/18/2012 c16 1Lootmagoot
Update Rainbow!
7/8/2012 c15 Fabulous as FCUK
Don't add anymore one direction otherwise you'll get people who want to kill themselves and then you. In that order. Otherwise it's really good.
6/16/2012 c11 patience
what the fuck i was happy intill the end make more chs you cant end with that and there are three different kind of books in it
6/16/2012 c15 Pyro of the Sea
Plz write more! And faster if possible! I really like this story and want more of it!
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