12/16/2011 c1
omg i love these poems howver i cant right potery to save my life . i thought these were a amzing oh p.s please read my story a hogwarts love story

omg i love these poems howver i cant right potery to save my life . i thought these were a amzing oh p.s please read my story a hogwarts love story
5/11/2011 c1
These are great! They really sum up the characters personalities and how each character feels about another! I'll tell you one thing, and that's I cannot write poetry for the life of me! Only stories, but you are wonderful at it! Keep up the good work!
Lots of Love!
P.S. Would you mind reviewing my story A New Life? Its a Lucy/ Jekyll story. I would really appreciate it! Thanx!

These are great! They really sum up the characters personalities and how each character feels about another! I'll tell you one thing, and that's I cannot write poetry for the life of me! Only stories, but you are wonderful at it! Keep up the good work!
Lots of Love!
P.S. Would you mind reviewing my story A New Life? Its a Lucy/ Jekyll story. I would really appreciate it! Thanx!