Just In
for I Will Become a Ghost

4/14/2024 c65 Rasen01
Hello, how are you? I wanted to tell you that I have been following your story since chapter number 18, although I made the account recently, this is one of my favorite stories since I started with this fic.
I wanted to ask you a few things:
Why did you bring up the fight in Naruto vs Kiba in the jonin exams?
What happened to Danzo, Orochimaru and Kabuto?
Are the bijus going to reappear or have they already died? Because when the jinchuurikis are killed, the bijus eventually reform in the manga. For example Yagura
Are you going to use the Uzumaki temple mask to free the fallen?
And the last thing I wanted to ask you is if you are going to unite the Naruto universe with another, for example with the Bleach universe?
I loved how you are ending the story, although a little sad about how some characters ended, it is understandable because of how the story was written; I tell you that I am going to follow you in case you write another story. Many thanks for everything.
4/14/2024 c65 21burntblood.1982
Do you think you can do hanniabal or black bulter
4/13/2024 c65 Golden Wind God
4/13/2024 c65 2Astral8
Happy to see you’re finally back! Interesting chapter, curious to see what other revelations come, can’t wait for the next chapter :)
4/13/2024 c65 1Nithi velu
Well that's a cliff hanger. Good chapter though.
4/13/2024 c65 3The-Tobi
I was really happy to see this after 4 months. It sucks that you lost those chapters, and I get it. It sucks. I'm really happy that you decided to finish this fic and I'm happy to be apart of this amazing journey. I'll be sure to keep that eye out. :D

Also, I'm writing this as I'm reading so sorry for any inconsistencies.

Anyways, I find the fact that Naruto used a Yamanaka technique interesting, I always thought there was so much that could be done and I appreciate the fact that you did something, even if it wasn't much in the traditional way. I find it so fucking cool, man. I also like that Ino's basically a psudeo main character in this chapter. At least so far.

Naruto copied Minato's trick... The Chakra imprint was something I wish I expected because it's a really damn good trick and it's a perfect way for Naruto to come back to the story. And I am sad all over again because this isn't the real Naruto.

And holy shit things got dark. So, Naruto went to hell? I hate it but I love it at the same time. On one end, I feel like I was kicked in the balls. On the other, I have to appreciate how well written this is. So, both fuck you and thank you. Also... god is dead... You've really went all in with this and I appreciate that.

So, Minato fucking sold Naruto's soul... I expected this chapter to feel lie a gut punch... I'm being stabbed instead. This is amazing, I think you're doing a wonderful job, but damn... this is depressing as shit. And god even Kenpachi's origin is depressing. You seriously took the angst meter, saw it was at ten and turned it up even more. I love it because I feel sad now.

Poor Michiru, poor Naruto, fuck you Minato... This was a depressing chapter all around. But, it was enlightening. Kenpachi's origin story is... Honestly if half the things that happened to him happened to me, I would probably try to kill everyone as well. But, Naruto's in the Shinigami's stomach, to be tortured until the end of everything and probably further than that...

That's the stuff of nightmares, man. And I love it. You've done a great job at writing this, and I'm happy to see this is back again. It sucks what happened to the previous versions of these chapters, but I'm happy that you persevered.

Thank you for the chapter and I hope you're having a wonderful day.
4/11/2024 c1 Mo.509
Please update soon
4/1/2024 c64 Guest
This story is awesome! please finish take all the time you need but please finish the story!
3/29/2024 c64 Guest
Next one pls
3/26/2024 c64 Guest
Next update?
3/22/2024 c64 Kingslayer7822
We need that last part pops feinin for it like crack in the 80s
3/9/2024 c64 Guest
2/20/2024 c64 Golden Wind God
2/15/2024 c64 Guest
2/15/2024 c64 Guest
Great fanfic update soon?
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