1/11/2024 c64 Guest
U cant end it there
U cant end it there
1/4/2024 c64 Arissan
Mon dieu, mon dieu, mon dieu ,... Je viens de lire votre merrveilleuse histoire , en une seule traite. Je suis époustouflée. Je n'ai pas de mot ! La mort de Naruto est si triste et je ne sais pas comment je me sens ! Triste et en même temps résigné car je trouve cela approprié. Mais cette fin de chapitre 64 est intrigante. Hâte de vous lire. Merci, merci, merci infiniment pour cette histoire.
Mon dieu, mon dieu, mon dieu ,... Je viens de lire votre merrveilleuse histoire , en une seule traite. Je suis époustouflée. Je n'ai pas de mot ! La mort de Naruto est si triste et je ne sais pas comment je me sens ! Triste et en même temps résigné car je trouve cela approprié. Mais cette fin de chapitre 64 est intrigante. Hâte de vous lire. Merci, merci, merci infiniment pour cette histoire.
1/2/2024 c64 Guest
Make it quick bro
Make it quick bro
12/31/2023 c64
Damnit... I was expecting an ending. I'm happy we get another chapter of this masterpiece but I'm saddened by this chapter. The title is very fitting. RIP Naruto. You truly were the goat... I'll miss him and this fic.
I wonder what the "truth" is exactly. It has to be something huge... I'm honestly kind of hoping you asspull Naruto back from the dead. I know it won't happen... but the heart wants what the heart wants I suppose
I know it wouldn't do the fic justice. But Michiru and Itachi deserve to have Naruto back. Everyone does. Naruto deserved to be happy with Michiru. (Side note: I know I keep spelling her name wrong now... Old habits die hard I suppose)
I suppose before I send this off I just want to say how much I loved this fic. I wasn't here at the start but when I joined I loved every chapter. Every chapter was a joy to read and seeing not just Naruto's journey but everyone's journey was really nice to see.
People died. Lots of people did. And I think that's the best part of the fic. Characters we grew to like and care about died. They won't get their happy ending... I hate it but it makes sense. I just wish it didn't.
I love this story you've made and I can't wait to see how it finally ends. I can't wait for the answers Naruto gave Itachi. I can't wait to see the end...
The fact that this is about to end makes me sad. This fic is genuinely underrated and every chapter was beautifully made. But all good things must come to an end. And that's okay. Because that means we have the memories with us forever.
And it potentially opens the door to new things that can be just as good, if not better.
I think I'm done talking now.
Thank you for the chapter!
PS: Sorry for rambling but Tired!Tobi just really loves talking

Damnit... I was expecting an ending. I'm happy we get another chapter of this masterpiece but I'm saddened by this chapter. The title is very fitting. RIP Naruto. You truly were the goat... I'll miss him and this fic.
I wonder what the "truth" is exactly. It has to be something huge... I'm honestly kind of hoping you asspull Naruto back from the dead. I know it won't happen... but the heart wants what the heart wants I suppose
I know it wouldn't do the fic justice. But Michiru and Itachi deserve to have Naruto back. Everyone does. Naruto deserved to be happy with Michiru. (Side note: I know I keep spelling her name wrong now... Old habits die hard I suppose)
I suppose before I send this off I just want to say how much I loved this fic. I wasn't here at the start but when I joined I loved every chapter. Every chapter was a joy to read and seeing not just Naruto's journey but everyone's journey was really nice to see.
People died. Lots of people did. And I think that's the best part of the fic. Characters we grew to like and care about died. They won't get their happy ending... I hate it but it makes sense. I just wish it didn't.
I love this story you've made and I can't wait to see how it finally ends. I can't wait for the answers Naruto gave Itachi. I can't wait to see the end...
The fact that this is about to end makes me sad. This fic is genuinely underrated and every chapter was beautifully made. But all good things must come to an end. And that's okay. Because that means we have the memories with us forever.
And it potentially opens the door to new things that can be just as good, if not better.
I think I'm done talking now.
Thank you for the chapter!
PS: Sorry for rambling but Tired!Tobi just really loves talking
12/31/2023 c64 StrikerTheFallen
this chapter is correctly named. the cost was definitely too high. I got in my feels again reading just the begining of this chapter. my heart aches for michero, for the love lost, for Itachi losing his brother figure. and i know for a fact itachi is really feeling it. in order to protect sasuke he went roque killing his family. i know in cannon he had help but still. i think the only real silver lining if their was going to be one is if michero were to turn out to be pregnant. as far as i remember they had one intimate night and honestly thats all it actually takes. either way thank you for writing this fic. ive followed it since it was first posted over the yrs and now im seeing it come to its conclusion and i gotta say its been quite the journey. so many times did i think this fic was going to die off workout notice but im glad youve stuck around and i hope you continue writing more fics. I'll see ya next year lol Happy New Years
this chapter is correctly named. the cost was definitely too high. I got in my feels again reading just the begining of this chapter. my heart aches for michero, for the love lost, for Itachi losing his brother figure. and i know for a fact itachi is really feeling it. in order to protect sasuke he went roque killing his family. i know in cannon he had help but still. i think the only real silver lining if their was going to be one is if michero were to turn out to be pregnant. as far as i remember they had one intimate night and honestly thats all it actually takes. either way thank you for writing this fic. ive followed it since it was first posted over the yrs and now im seeing it come to its conclusion and i gotta say its been quite the journey. so many times did i think this fic was going to die off workout notice but im glad youve stuck around and i hope you continue writing more fics. I'll see ya next year lol Happy New Years
12/23/2023 c63 Grimrepa
Read through every chapter every rewrite but to see how it ended with Naruto death was devastating i just can not finish the epilogue when it’s released great story hated the ending
Read through every chapter every rewrite but to see how it ended with Naruto death was devastating i just can not finish the epilogue when it’s released great story hated the ending
12/20/2023 c63 alexiania
as devastatingly emotional as ever, truly a wonderful story. I've loved every single chapter
as devastatingly emotional as ever, truly a wonderful story. I've loved every single chapter
12/1/2023 c63 KingYamYam
I'm not sure how to feel, I guess the ending is good but kinda bland. Very confused on how kenpachi was stopped but that's all I'm confused about. The whole story was a 10/10 for me. Definitely a top 10 in my list. It was definitely a great read (・ω・)
I'm not sure how to feel, I guess the ending is good but kinda bland. Very confused on how kenpachi was stopped but that's all I'm confused about. The whole story was a 10/10 for me. Definitely a top 10 in my list. It was definitely a great read (・ω・)
11/30/2023 c19 hennessyswagg83
It was a very good story until you allowed Hinata lovers to manipulate you into pairing her with Naruto i don't even know why authors do such polls when more than 90% of the time she'll win out the competition as much as i was loving the story I won't read a NaruHina pairing story
It was a very good story until you allowed Hinata lovers to manipulate you into pairing her with Naruto i don't even know why authors do such polls when more than 90% of the time she'll win out the competition as much as i was loving the story I won't read a NaruHina pairing story
11/23/2023 c63 Guest
Nice one..bout expecting epilogue soon buddy
Nice one..bout expecting epilogue soon buddy
11/21/2023 c1 Rasen01
The only thing I can say is that, although I am saddened by Naruto's death, I still think that your story is one of my favorite fanfics. I look forward to seeing how this story ends.
Just perfect
The only thing I can say is that, although I am saddened by Naruto's death, I still think that your story is one of my favorite fanfics. I look forward to seeing how this story ends.
Just perfect
11/17/2023 c63
I can only sum up my thoughts with one word right now because I'm tired.
That word is; Damn.
What a ride. Its been good. I hate that Naruto died. But I do think it makes sense. Its fitting that he died after saving the world. And standing up too like a legend. I didn't want Naruto to die. I oh so desperately wanted him to live and be happy. But it wasn't meant to be.
And that's okay.
Thank you for this wonderful story and it was a pleasure being here and reading it.

I can only sum up my thoughts with one word right now because I'm tired.
That word is; Damn.
What a ride. Its been good. I hate that Naruto died. But I do think it makes sense. Its fitting that he died after saving the world. And standing up too like a legend. I didn't want Naruto to die. I oh so desperately wanted him to live and be happy. But it wasn't meant to be.
And that's okay.
Thank you for this wonderful story and it was a pleasure being here and reading it.
11/16/2023 c63 Guest
11/17/2023 c63 StrikerTheFallen
Ya know I wanna call you a monster and heartless, jokingly of course, cause dam me a grown man crying at a bitter sweet ending...that's just alot on the soul. in the end he lived up to the meaning of jinjuriki, human sacrifice... he gave his all and more and in the end despite being given a second chance at life, still gave it all to protect the world and most importantly his precious people. he more than anyone else in this fic deserved a happy ending. but hey I know with how his character is written in your story, he truly had no regrets. thank you for writing an amazing story, I've been reading it and rereading it from the beginning. I hope theirs a silver lining to all this in the next few chapters
Ya know I wanna call you a monster and heartless, jokingly of course, cause dam me a grown man crying at a bitter sweet ending...that's just alot on the soul. in the end he lived up to the meaning of jinjuriki, human sacrifice... he gave his all and more and in the end despite being given a second chance at life, still gave it all to protect the world and most importantly his precious people. he more than anyone else in this fic deserved a happy ending. but hey I know with how his character is written in your story, he truly had no regrets. thank you for writing an amazing story, I've been reading it and rereading it from the beginning. I hope theirs a silver lining to all this in the next few chapters