Just In
for Remembering My lullaby:A Bella and Edward Story

3/24/2012 c11 RogueRaina
I think that I missed something, I don't mean to offend, but I thought that Lily was Bella's sister not her bio-daughter.
3/22/2012 c11 1EdwardBellaRenesmeCullen
You should make Jacob imprint in bella little sister. I hate story that author always make Jacob imprint on Bella and Edward daughter.
3/22/2012 c11 crazy-chick-4life
U should write a ch about them going to school and the reaction jess and they have to the cullens being back and then jess over here edward and bella baby girl and after school edward and bella r hanging out with lily and jake shows up at the house love it your story
3/22/2012 c7 4abbydog26
The last few chapters have been full of run-on sentience . Whoever is writing, put some , and.
3/22/2012 c5 1NinjaTurtles909
This is an incredible story! But you should have someone proof read it because the errors are a little destracting but other then that AWESOME!
3/21/2012 c1 4abbydog26
I love the part where Edward said " u missed a note my love" so sweet
3/21/2012 c11 XxSnugglyEmmettxX
:D this is really great & sweet and i like it alot. Really hopes u finish it.
3/11/2012 c10 2pleasedonottalktome
Love it! Sooooooooooo awesome! :)

Keep writing! :D

2/5/2012 c10 crazy-chick-4life
Love it
10/7/2011 c5 twilight girl104
Ok number 1 if you don't know how to spell something please use spell check and then use it to see if you have made any mistakes 2. Your skipping words, I know thats just how the mind works but please read it before you publish it 3. Your abbreviating words like you and see but please it makes it harder to read and this isn't a text message sorry if it's harsh but I just had to tell you how I fel. But I did like the whole story overall
10/7/2011 c8 crazy-chick-4life
Love it can't wait 4 more maybe now that they have there baby girl now Bella can have Edward Jr love it happy dance
6/21/2011 c8 1tessacartwheel
This story is cute :)

I can't believe Renee is dying though...but shouldn't Bella be flying out to Jacksonville to see her mom? She IS dying, after all.

Oh well, I'm sure you have your reasons. And if only learning the piano is as easy for everybody as it is for Bella! My older sister just started and let's just say, what she's (trying) to play is no lullaby.

Keep up the good work!

Tessa xxx
6/20/2011 c8 juney83uk
Really great chapter can't wait to read more
6/20/2011 c1 3Lilithcase39girl

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