Just In
for Someday

3/6/2014 c4 25Link Fangirl01
I thnk I just died of sweetness overload. X3 Gonna save this treasure, oh yes!

You write beautifully, I'm glad I stopped to read. :D
2/7/2014 c4 1UmbreonIsWatching
Awwww! Its so cute!
10/26/2012 c4 Rinalas
So beautiful! T.T i loved it, felt so much more cannon and amazing than all the other fics i've read.
9/5/2012 c4 1MapleSyrup CanaDERP
*sigh* Oh, that was really very sweet! :) It was very well-written and sweet. I especially loved Chapter Four; not many 'fics have epilogues these days. ;)
6/25/2012 c4 Shiverglow
Wow, this was amazing!
8/20/2011 c3 1Ginger The Demon
I really like your story and it was shocking to find out that Touko's leg was amputated.
8/3/2011 c3 DragonFire Princess
Love the story, Hope you'll update the story... ASAP!
6/30/2011 c3 Lorelei Cecily
I love this chapter, it was really good :) you are a really good writer and I enjoy reading your stories
6/30/2011 c2 Lorelei Cecily
You are an awesome writer
6/30/2011 c1 Lorelei Cecily
I love the story :)
4/22/2011 c3 animeskullgirl16
I loved it! It was so cute :D Great story, it was amazing!
4/20/2011 c3 15Asabella
kekeke, this made me soooo happy! Man I wish something like this would happen in the game (minus the leg removal, that's a tad sad there). I think they would make an awesome couple. :D
4/16/2011 c2 Mystical
Oh my...gosh. Wow...Ghestis, you are a big bully. Touko, N, you two are so meant to be together, and I mean it. Fabulous fanfic, Volcarona.
4/16/2011 c3 2White-Starcloud
I love it :D ♥

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