Just In
for The Princess and the E

8/12/2020 c5 2Heather Mythic Bitch Chandler
8/7/2020 c1 somebody2love
Loved this story!
7/12/2020 c31 Lyndseyxx
Really enjoyed this, I love what you did with the characters! I do wish they’d been a bit older, I think it would have made the story feel a bit more realistic, but it was greatyou’re really talented
7/12/2020 c13 Guest
Perfect. Absolutely love the boys getting excited over water pistols
6/27/2020 c28 saintfudge
Still a great story ..need more mob stories like this ...thanks agin have fun
6/23/2020 c25 Gemm13
is the unknown Mike?
6/23/2020 c23 Gemm13
honestly Bella needs to kick Jacob to the curb; he's trash
6/23/2020 c20 Gemm13
All hail Rose, the empress of real talk
6/23/2020 c19 Gemm13
Charlie is definitely in over his head, and Jacob is the worst, sanctimonious and patronizing af
6/23/2020 c18 Gemm13
I love how you write Edward as foul mouthed and sweet, delightful!
Plus, Bella is logical without being totally OOC
6/7/2020 c7 FeebasFrodo14
I'm not sure as I read this how many years ago it was written but here I am still rereading it
5/25/2020 c23 Barbell21
As much as I want to love this story, I can’t with Bella. She’s naive, obnoxious and sometimes just plain annoying. I really wanted to like her but blah. I wish she was more assertive and badass but she’s just a teen who’s naive enough to be stupid.
5/23/2020 c31 bonnemine82
Dommage que la traduction google soit si dure en lecture mais franchement je me suis éclatée à lire cette histoire.
4/14/2020 c21 nizzyna
I’m betting dollars to doughnuts she’s pregnant, I mean, it was inevitable. Maybe she forgot about the birth control with all the Charlie madness...
4/13/2020 c15 nizzyna
Oh shit! what I just exclaimed because of that last sentence. Thank god this story is finished so I don’t have to wait for an update lol. XD
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