Just In
for The Princess and the E

7/4/2022 c15 Jillgrab
Whoa! How does she know?!
5/22/2022 c31 Nate's Mum
This story is so good! This is the first time I can remember reviewing on here but it’s also the first time in over a year that I stayed up until after 4am reading because I just couldn’t put it down.
5/6/2022 c12 PCCTwiFF23
Alice not talking and Rose being the shopaholic makes me chuckle!
4/28/2022 c31 1DMBSJB18
Read the whole thing over the last couple of days and loved it! The way Edward treats Bella is swoony. I like how there was no relationship angst in it. I kept waiting for one of edwards past fucks (besides Tanya! Haha) to show up and try to cause shit, but I’m glad it didn’t happen. Generally I don’t like the manwhore virgin trope, but since it didn’t focus on that too much I was able to enjoy the story. Thanks for your writing!
4/27/2022 c12 DMBSJB18
20 girls by the age of 17?! Damn. I know mob life is different than, you know, real life. But that’s gross! And I guess I don’t understand why it doesn’t bug Bella more?
I mean, I guess with a mobster, things like sex, drugs, murder, etc. don’t mean as much to them as it does to… not criminals?
But I do wish that Bella hadn’t been a virgin. I’m pretty sure 1/2, if not more, Of the stories I read are virgin Bella and Edward with a sordid past. Not that I hate the trope, but it’s sooooo prevalent in the fandom.
I had slept with more men before I met my husband and he’s only been with me. I do love when I come across a Bella who hasn’t “saved” herself. Like, how could she have dated Mike for almost a whole school year and not even kissed him? Generally women are sexual creatures, too.
3/26/2022 c2 6midnite serenade
Such a dramatic entry for Edward! Love it
3/14/2022 c31 campyrs52
I am reading this for the 2nd time. I love the dialogue in this story. Best Edward ever! Thank you.
1/29/2022 c31 midnitereader
That was such a good story. I really loved this E and his Princess. She adapted so well to this life. And their love sustained them through the good, the bad and the scary times.
1/25/2022 c23 Marymary123
She needs to wake up and give up on Jake. PERIOD. He wont change and someone will be hurt and it could be your children or your soon to be husband..WAKE UP BELLA
1/16/2022 c31 VryUnique
Awesome story! Thanks for sharing.
I still would have liked to hear Jacob defend himself. It wasn’t clear how edward and Bella messed up Leah catching Edward in the act of killing Aro. I can only assume that Jake did
not know that Bella was going to be taken by Sam and Tanya when she didn’t go with him
so there was no reason to go to Aro’s apartment. That just leaves more questions. Sam didn’t
inform her through Emily that they took her? They all seemed to have their own agenda and
not all of them were clear. What was Sam’s problem? Tanya wanted Bella dead so she couldn’t
have been in on Leah’s plans. Not that we really know what was transpiring between her and Aro.
So many unanswered questions.
Not that the story wasn’t exciting because it was. Thank you. Looking forward to moving on to the sequel that I saw on The Lemonade Stand but had to come read this first.
I’m surprised I’ve never read this before.
1/16/2022 c29 VryUnique
I believe the elevator scene was after they came back from their honeymoon, at least 2 weeks after Aro was killed. Even if they tripped Bella up they might figure she knows more than she’s saying but doubt they have anything to charge her with. The police can lie to trip you up but they can’t just take you off the street because they want to have words with you, they should sue them all.
1/16/2022 c28 VryUnique
Awesome honeymoon. If someone wasn’t watching them on the deck then how did the music start playing when they started dancing?
1/16/2022 c27 VryUnique
Crazy... I knew it was Sam or Embry in cahoots with Tanya. I’m glad their dead. How the hell did Leah know where they are? Bella should have kept Jake with her once she knew something was off. He’s a pain in the ass but I don’t think he would have let her get taken.
1/16/2022 c26 VryUnique
Some one close to Bella, they need to change her guard. How could they not notice someone tailing them after all this time.
1/16/2022 c25 VryUnique
Yah! Love the names.
Tanya? Sam? Embry?
I don’t know why Sam and Embry are still even following Bella. They were the only 2 besides
Jasper who knew she was at her dads house last time. Even if they couldn’t find proof they
should have been changed out.
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