Just In
for A Shinobi Tale

4/6/2019 c1 17madmiko
This was a great start! I am intrigued by Kagome's past life in Konoha and her relationship to the 3rd Hokage. I was very excited to see you planned this as a Shikamaru/Kagome pairing. It's been years, but I hope you will consider writing more for this story!
12/17/2015 c1 Jessie
please update~! this looks sooooooo interesting! i know it's been a while since you did but i would love to see what happens next!
10/1/2015 c1 Angel
Love it, plz update!
2/10/2015 c1 Guest
Plz ud!
1/12/2015 c1 Guest
Plz update! I want to see what happens next!
9/11/2013 c1 miraisgirl
Will you please add a chapter to this story?
5/20/2013 c1 New Moon Promise
Love it! Please! Please Update! I really hope you continue this story!
2/28/2013 c1 Ehlonna the Demoness
10/12/2012 c1 5Elfy lolita

Awesomeness I hope to read more:D
7/21/2012 c1 xXLunarRayneXx
please update soon
7/19/2012 c1 110th Squad 3rd Seat
I thought Gaara was the Godaime since his father was the Yondaime.
5/19/2012 c1 cctrail
soooooooooooooo are you going to write more? please? please? ;)
3/3/2012 c1 SummerRose1995
update please
12/16/2011 c1 5ForgottenOncePromised
Love it! I just found this story today and I really love it! It's really interesting! Please continue with this story, I would love to see what happens next!

11/30/2011 c1 1EverRose808
Hi I really love your story so far and have been waiting for you to update for awhile. I just wanted you to kniw that Gaara is the Kazekage not the sandaime
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