Just In
for Our Lives Together

1/31/2013 c1 Nuggets
I'm a Rita Skeeter,
A Skeeter,
A Skeeter,
I'm a Rita Skeeter
So be warned!
4/27/2011 c1 jessy0622
Awww! Loved it!3
4/22/2011 c1 7DanielWhite
excellent so far
4/20/2011 c1 Pen
Great start to (I hope and wish) a longer story.
4/20/2011 c1 PetitMoi207
We have special reports that the famous author JK Rowling is now writing under the penname liveluvlaf...

that was the rita skeeter part...

now my part! this is really good! please write a lot lot more!
4/20/2011 c1 mit1
Great story.
4/20/2011 c1 ZachH1
Lovely! There's just nothing better than a good Harry/Ginny ship!

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