8/21/2011 c1 Cleary4
i know the last time you worked on this story was like 2 months ago or something' like that but could you pleeeeease do a sequal for ExtraTerrestrial? Like sarah and seth's plant could be in danger and they come back to get help from jack, alex, and leslie. pleeeeease do a sequal, i want more seth/leslie romance.
i know the last time you worked on this story was like 2 months ago or something' like that but could you pleeeeease do a sequal for ExtraTerrestrial? Like sarah and seth's plant could be in danger and they come back to get help from jack, alex, and leslie. pleeeeease do a sequal, i want more seth/leslie romance.
7/2/2011 c12
1Nifty Little Bugger
That was my favourite chapter. I liked the part when the music was playing and Seth was cornering her. Keep it up and please write a sequel. Please!

That was my favourite chapter. I liked the part when the music was playing and Seth was cornering her. Keep it up and please write a sequel. Please!
6/23/2011 c16
Wow. I loved the entire story. Its Amazing! I loved how Seth was all protective and stuff. Please put uip a sequel@! can't wait!

Wow. I loved the entire story. Its Amazing! I loved how Seth was all protective and stuff. Please put uip a sequel@! can't wait!
6/23/2011 c16
oooh. im excited for the sequel! it sounds interesting! you did a good job with the ending of this story, but, if i can say so, it was a tad bit emotionless. in my opinion. but still good.

oooh. im excited for the sequel! it sounds interesting! you did a good job with the ending of this story, but, if i can say so, it was a tad bit emotionless. in my opinion. but still good.
6/22/2011 c16
Awww! So sad that its over! I can't wait for the sequal! Can you PM me about it? Thanks!

Awww! So sad that its over! I can't wait for the sequal! Can you PM me about it? Thanks!
6/22/2011 c16
I loved it! I cant wait for the sequel! Can you PM me when it comes out?

I loved it! I cant wait for the sequel! Can you PM me when it comes out?
6/22/2011 c16 Firestar'sniece
Dear Mistali,
I just recieved read this story. Sorry it's taken me so long to read it, but since you were one the role playing site I thought I'd take a look at it.
Interesting. I feel sorry for Sara though. Please, please, please don't make her go through the arranged marriage in the sequel! Please get her a way out of it and to where her family also has money to pay the debt off! It's not right for her to be put in that position.
Also, Sara needs to find her true love. Perhaps it will be an earthling to?
Will Henry Burke be in the sequel also? From the Epilogue it seems like it.
I like that Jack and Alex got married.
Also, I wonder why on earth Henry took Leslie when he knew she was human. What's with that? Are there other humans in captivity?
And perhaps Leslie should gain some powers also.
What is Seth and Sara's planet like? And what happened when they returned to their planet? That would be nice to hear in the sequel.
I'm not so sure on the other chapter when they were going to Witch Mountain and they were in the RV. Seth and Leslie got 'to close' for my liking.
But other than that it was interesting. I'd sure like to see Leslie communicate Sara with the device she gave her.
I'd also liked ot be PM'd when you put the sequel up.
Dear Mistali,
I just recieved read this story. Sorry it's taken me so long to read it, but since you were one the role playing site I thought I'd take a look at it.
Interesting. I feel sorry for Sara though. Please, please, please don't make her go through the arranged marriage in the sequel! Please get her a way out of it and to where her family also has money to pay the debt off! It's not right for her to be put in that position.
Also, Sara needs to find her true love. Perhaps it will be an earthling to?
Will Henry Burke be in the sequel also? From the Epilogue it seems like it.
I like that Jack and Alex got married.
Also, I wonder why on earth Henry took Leslie when he knew she was human. What's with that? Are there other humans in captivity?
And perhaps Leslie should gain some powers also.
What is Seth and Sara's planet like? And what happened when they returned to their planet? That would be nice to hear in the sequel.
I'm not so sure on the other chapter when they were going to Witch Mountain and they were in the RV. Seth and Leslie got 'to close' for my liking.
But other than that it was interesting. I'd sure like to see Leslie communicate Sara with the device she gave her.
I'd also liked ot be PM'd when you put the sequel up.