Just In
for ExtraTerrestrial

6/14/2011 c15 1xoxoMyRealityIsFiction
Sequel - whoot!
6/12/2011 c15 18CecilaAlice
i definitely want to know about this sequel when it's ready. for sure(:

6/11/2011 c15 6Rinna-Girl
Awesome story! Can't wait for the next chapter!

I wish they would redo the movie with Leslie in it!
6/11/2011 c15 4angel2u
Grrrr. I want to see what happens!
6/6/2011 c14 1xoxoMyRealityIsFiction
Good chapter. Looking forward to Henry's reaction when he realizes that Leslie is not an alien. That is if he even finds out o:
6/5/2011 c14 2Just a Wonderland
I can't wait for the next chapter. Each time you update I reread the whole story, it's amazing! :)
5/29/2011 c13 30TeamBlaus4EVER
Wow that kiss, and perfect song to go with it! lol why did they shoot Leslie? Seth is gonna be mad! lol

I can't wait for more, update soon!
5/21/2011 c13 4angel2u
what happened to leslie?
5/17/2011 c13 1xoxoMyRealityIsFiction
Okay, now I'm interested in seeing why they took Leslie .-.
5/17/2011 c13 2Just a Wonderland
Update again soon. I can't wait to see what happens to Sara, Seth and Leslie! 3
5/16/2011 c12 4angel2u
awe i love you!1
5/15/2011 c12 1xoxoMyRealityIsFiction
OH MY GOSH! SQUEE~! they kissed, huzzah! I loved this chapter :D the song fit in perfectly. Katy Perry's ET is like my favorite song right now, seriously. I was singing it in my head while reading this.
5/15/2011 c12 9MayAngelsLeadYouIn
Everytime I hear this song now, all I can picture is this chapter. :D

Very good chapter.
5/15/2011 c12 2Just a Wonderland
Update soon again! It's my fav story :)
5/14/2011 c12 18CecilaAlice
hahaa, that was very cleaver and very cute (:

can't wait for an update!

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