Just In
for Mourning

2/26/2014 c1 18sassyfriend
I love this
5/18/2012 c1 BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope
A great poem fic. Very well written.
4/26/2011 c1 Chewiecotton
I love this! You are very good!
4/22/2011 c1 3Hirilnin
EXCELLENT imagery! I really liked this poem and your style in writing it. You have a definite talent that should be developed further. Please continue writing.
4/22/2011 c1 Kelly Song
Oooh i am a HUGE fan of LOTR and my FAV verse in your poem is: Sadness washes over me as waves would lap the shore

we will not have time to mourn his passing

I realize this

And am seized by grief once more

4/22/2011 c1 GildorInglorion
This is really good! But so sad... I guess we all know what happens afterwards anyway, right?
4/22/2011 c1 Ne'ith5
Very good it captures the events, his emotion and longing and hope I can see the events as they unfold. Great job!
4/21/2011 c1 12Endless Secrets
Oooh, lovely poem, it was very well-written. Excellent! :)

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