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for Katniss and Peeta My life after the Games

12/12/2015 c4 pixiepop
Last bit was funny loved the hole thing with gale and naming the kids primrose and cinna
9/24/2015 c4 beckyike
Sweet story!
9/7/2015 c4 Guest
THAT WAS... I am speechless
8/4/2015 c1 Guest
"I am not ready for this" I yell at my mother. I wasn't mad at her but I was mad at Peeta and myself. Peeta knocks on the door.
5/27/2015 c4 NeverlandMagic23
I'm sorry, but, in MY opinion, it was not the best.

First of all, I felt everything was too rushed. I get that sometimes, fanfiction and stories have to go forward in time, but I felt you went a little too fast in that department. You went immediately to prim being age 14, and then you didn't even explain the story of how cinna was born. I felt things were too rushed.

I'm not trying to seem like that jerk who only sees and says negative things. Because, I'm not that kind of person. Other than being too rushed, I loved it, and you did a great job.

Happy writing!

Please don't take my comment too personally!
4/15/2015 c4 Guest
I show no emotion
3/26/2015 c4 Bones
I need more
1/20/2015 c4 anonymous
I loved it
9/28/2014 c4 Guest
9/27/2014 c4 Guest
Make it longer
8/16/2014 c4 Guest
Love it, tell me more
5/3/2014 c4 mimi
lol I laughed cried and I felt like real life while reading this amazing job
4/26/2014 c4 Guest
I love it.!
3/26/2014 c4 ermergerd
(Holds gun up to temple) Goodbye world!JK
2/13/2014 c1 Brian v
This is so awsome
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