Just In
for Theories of Bellativity

1/21 c12 1BlanchesWeb
FYI long Island ice teas taste nothing like ice tea
Really enjoying this. Love finding new stories I've never read after all this time.
7/22/2024 c15 HollBeth
Okay…not a prude at all, but never understood the whole “you should hit that because they’re hot, and who cares if it’s meaningless” thing. First - just because someone’s hot doesn’t automatically make them good in bed. Second, some people prefer to have meaningful or hopefully-meaningful sex, not everybody just wants to get off without any feelings involved, so Alice annoys me a lot. Alice and Emmett, both - with friends like that, who needs enemies? Bunch a nosy, pushy brats who have decided to feel entitled to personal, private info and who think it’s fun to set people up and tease them mercilessly. Emmett’s “I’m a doofus but gotta love me” thing is old. I’m ready for her next rotation already.

Is this what it’s like to have best friends? They feel like they can manipulate you and disregard your own opinions and feelings constantly, and then laugh at you when you have genuine thoughts, feelings and concerns? If so, that may be why I’ve never had one. I would not tolerate that nonsense.

I love the story, and think I maybe even read it already, but I could do without the pushy friends asap.
3/8/2024 c34 Aislinn Massi
I just finished this story and let me tell you I just loved it, I'm not a native english speaker but I could make almost all of this without translating every single word. Also I'm currently going through a certain phase of my life similar to Bella's and just the thought of the kind of love Bella and Edward have and just be certain that the person you are with is your one and only it's very reassuring no matter how difficult life may seem. Makes me wish to be certain myself, but as always, reading is a scape from my real life problems, thank you very much for helping me have a break with this one, you are an amazing writer!
2/6/2024 c34 eliacullen
1/15/2024 c32 blb1000
Bravo! You managed to surprise me with your perfect ending.
1/15/2024 c31 blb1000
Ahhhh, I hadn't even considered THAT option. All roads lead to Forks?
1/15/2024 c30 blb1000
Only 4 chapters for this to all work out... Or not. :-(
1/15/2024 c29 blb1000
Typical guy re the thirst for nudity - once he's had some. ;-)
1/15/2024 c28 blb1000
Nice twist!
1/15/2024 c27 blb1000
Oh boy! Here's comes Ms. Independent w/ brass knuckles...
1/15/2024 c26 blb1000
She's just coming up with problems now...
1/15/2024 c25 blb1000
Yay! Let the resumes go!
1/15/2024 c24 blb1000
Woo-hoo for her taking another step!
1/15/2024 c23 blb1000
Thank goodness he brought up the future, as she wouldn't. Applying for some NYC jobs would be smart!
1/15/2024 c22 blb1000
Thank goodness for Emmett!
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