Just In
for Living in Limbo

9/27/2013 c2 I-Burnt-the-Popcorn
I'm not even joking u better update soon or I will find u and make u
... (I'm serouis)
8/30/2012 c2 1HeAt-StRoKe
update soon :
5/29/2012 c1 sushi97
Great story. Continue please?
10/30/2011 c2 5rebelmagnus
Great Story! More?
6/2/2011 c2 4SyFyDiva
Interesting beginning. Can't wait to read more.
5/20/2011 c2 5SP.SVU.B
Liking it so far; I'm intrigued to know where you're going with this, keep up the good work!
4/26/2011 c2 8Liz-Beth520
Update soon! I hope Kensi doesn't get hurt beyond repair (like never use an arm or leg again) cuz that'd suck

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