Just In
for Bubbly

9/3/2019 c1 derektomlinson
raven saying to garfield i love you too my idiot boyfriend
12/8/2015 c1 BBRae BELIEVA
Definitely Yay!
12/9/2014 c1 Depressed Gay Boy
i loved this story! :D
3/27/2013 c1 11sunshineg9
I liked it. But cannot type now. Must retrieve iPod!
1/2/2012 c1 gianna
i like it so i gess yey
4/26/2011 c1 20Mr. Average
While I've heard of the song bubbly before, I do think this is a nicely written fic. Very sweet. Keep up the good work. Peace
4/25/2011 c1 The Cretin
This was...sweet. I think you did a pretty good job on yer first BBRae fic. Kudos. BTW, what kind of powers does Gothika have? Keep rockin.
4/25/2011 c1 6Nami Takata
haha very cute... ;D

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