Just In
for Before the Imprint: Old Foxes

4/7/2020 c4 Guest
1/30/2018 c9 Thatartistgirl
I cant wait to meet edward here. What does he think of all this?
8/8/2011 c9 2Umiko9692
I love it. Can't wait for your next story.
8/7/2011 c9 20crazyperson17
you truely have a gift when it comes to writing cuz this is awesome!
8/6/2011 c9 3lozzy035
poor bella being so alone for such a long time

its great she felt safe straight away with edward
8/6/2011 c9 5vivx-chan
I loved it!

The end was really sweet!

Keep writing and posting, I'm looking forward for the others strange imprint stories. ^^
8/4/2011 c8 2Umiko9692
Great chapter, although it's sad to know that her family is going to die just as soon as they found happiness. I'll wait patiently for the next update.
8/4/2011 c8 3lozzy035
poor bella being on her own

is she going to turn human just in case

update soon
8/4/2011 c1 FeatheredKids
Reminds me of Warrior Cats and the way they live in the forest. Continue please, very interesting.

8/3/2011 c7 20crazyperson17
8/2/2011 c7 2Umiko9692
How sad :(

I really like young animals and it depresses me when I think of a young life cut short. Update soon.
8/2/2011 c7 5xanimejunkie
Oh no! Not the little one! TT.TT Oh man, I'm now going to be sad now when something happens to Bella's family.

Can't wait for the next update! ^.^
8/2/2011 c7 3lozzy035
bram was sweet to save her even if it did cost his life

poor calla she really is having a horrible time

update soon
8/2/2011 c6 lozzy035
the pups really are bad to teach

update soon
7/5/2011 c5 5xanimejunkie
Ah! I love your imprints stories so much! And it's great to see what Bella had to go through to shift. Can't wait for the next update! ^.^
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