Just In
for Before the Imprint: Old Foxes

6/11/2011 c2 3lozzy035
hope this doesnt change bellas closeness with her brothers

are the going to make homes near each other

hope the fox doesnt come back for bella

update soon
6/11/2011 c2 2Umiko9692
I'll wait patiently for the next update.
6/11/2011 c2 Midnight Angels Say GoodNight
Great chapter. Looking forward to tier giest sequel. Did u know that I can't go on ur profile page on my computer. I can only go on from my iTouch, I wonder why? Update soon please.
6/11/2011 c2 16animal8
This was a really good chapter. I'm really looking forward to reading what the conversation where Bella is told about the magic of her people. I think it will be interesting. I was wondering if you were going to take this story up to the point where she meets Edward? I would like to read what she was doing with herself after her people had been wiped out. Really looking foward to reading more of this story. Definitely cannot wait for the next update! ;D
5/2/2011 c1 4willowfaust
Different, but I like it.
4/28/2011 c1 2Umiko9692
I like it. It's very interesting and can't wait for the next chapter.
4/26/2011 c1 Guest
I love it! Please update soon!
4/26/2011 c1 FLOW LIZ
Love it.
4/26/2011 c1 20crazyperson17
4/26/2011 c1 HopePotterMasen
I like this story :)

It’s a great chapter, I can’t wait to read more.

Keep up the good work and please update soon!
4/26/2011 c1 5vivx-chan
I loved it! They seemed so cute!

keep writing and posting. ^^
4/26/2011 c1 3lozzy035
they really are a close family

wow bella was told the stories of shifting before hunting

update soon
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