Just In
for March 31st The CHOICE

6/16/2020 c1 rinayukina
Aww, the first half of the fic was really good~
6/7/2016 c1 4nettesethdrix
This is still one of my favorite RuHana fic!
6/28/2014 c1 43satomika
I like it!

Sweet and romantic! :D
8/29/2006 c1 9Scarlet Amaranth
Hentai Sendoh sure is hilarious (^o^)
10/29/2002 c1 4sLL
Ooh... I can't believe i didn't see this at first!

LoL... In the other fic i WAS wondering how the dating game was played... It's so good!

^.^ Yeah Go HanaRu forever!


8/16/2002 c1 7silvercross
i need not elaborate, you know i loved this! ^_^ keep writing more RuHanaRu fics, onegai ne?
8/4/2002 c1 1keiwinner
ehehehe... so cute! i wish i had those guys volunteering to be my date on my Bday!
7/22/2002 c1 kyou
So cooool! I loved this one. And the mistery about the previous birthday still keeps me dreaming. This is a keeper!
4/15/2002 c1 3snow-princess1
i can imagine hanamichi with rukawa or sendoh. but with fujima? anyway, nice fic. i couldn't stop reading it. i liked the part where rukawa actually wrote "me" on his board, proclaiming his love for hanamichi.=P
4/5/2002 c1 JCM
It's my third time reading this, but this is soooooo GOOOOOOD! Can't wait for the next chapter! ^^
4/4/2002 c1 6charon1
RUHANA RUHANA RUHANA RUHANA RUHANA RUHANA RUHANA RUHANA YEAH! *shakes pom pom and did a jump, but landed with a split accidentally and died with pain*

Counter review : Oooooo Mitchy! He is not very shy with Yaoi, is he? HAHA! Oh well. Where ever he swings is fine with me.
4/3/2002 c1 ru-chan
i like this ficcy!
4/2/2002 c1 7mitchan
LOL! this is sooooo kawaii! nice job Yen!
4/1/2002 c1 JCM
That was wierd and really humorous. And the Kogure and Ayako pairing, excellent! So everyone except Kogure were gay?

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