Just In
for A Different Ending

4/24/2016 c18 Seli
Pls update!
4/12/2016 c18 Kleo
I love it. It is a beautiful story. Pls update!
2/5/2016 c18 Angie
I can't tell you how excited I got when I saw you updated! This story is getting better and better, and Machina just makes this story. Slow burn indeed - I can't to see Meghan and Machina in action together (Ferrum is so screwed)! I'll be eagerly waiting for the next chapter. 3
2/2/2016 c18 WolfieLiker
Long time no see but was so worth to wait! And sooooooo excited for the Meghan Machina team that's going on ;) Can't wait to see them to kick ass :DD So pleeeease update soon!
1/25/2016 c17 bob
1/1/2016 c17 Hi it's me
Please update, I love your story and really hope you continue.
12/27/2015 c17 Angie
I hope you're still going to continue this story! I just wanted to let you know that I'm in love with the whole plot, and I'm still following this story and waiting to see where all your characters end up. Can't wait for the next update!
9/12/2015 c17 weepingangel12
AHHHHH! I am in LOVE with your Fanfic! Please, Please, Please update soon. The Suspense is killing me! You have such an incredible imagination and i love it! I am in awe with how, in each of your chapters i am able to go through what feels like 20 different emotions. I feel like I'm bipolar (which I'm not) but reading your fanfic I'm always on the edge of my seat. One moment Im feel like screaming "Ash! you jackass!" then the next second "*gasp* Tertius! he's here! Yes!" followed by the feeling of sobbing, which is soon followed by "OH SNAP, Meghan just slapped you". I LOVE the fact that there is never a dull moment reading your fanfic. You my friend have gained a lot of my respect. Please continue writing and please update soon.
9/3/2015 c17 Guest
Please please please continue this story! I must know what happens after the cliffhanger. This is one of the best stories I've read and I can't wait to read more! Please update soon!
6/18/2015 c17 Me
OH MY GOSH! I read this story like a year or two ago, (I think I reviewed saying I would celebrate with you for making a small novel :P) and absolutely loved it but it stopped just after he cut her. And so I went away and discovered other storys and this was always burning in the back of my mind. So today I check up on it and it and you've updated so much and it's beyond brilliant! You are an artist! I love the plot and how you've made the characters develope in such a lovely twisted way! And dude! You bright king M back to life! I was so sad when she had to kill him, I really felt her emotional struggle with that, and now they KISS?! Happyness! Though i do very much enjoy her with Ash's clone, he's so sweet and caring.(nice twist making him half human. Beautifully done) I feel like her and king M are so perfect together. And now with them being open and him not treating her like crap maybe something can bloom! Anyway, I hope I didn't scare you off with my over zealous review.
Update soon because I'm dying to see virus's face when she learns they kissed to save him :p

5/17/2015 c17 1QueenofMidnightSteampunkness
Hi! Please update! I really like this story and it's one of my favorite on Fanfiction! Are you a major Nightwish fan? Anyway... Please update!
5/4/2015 c17 NoIDontPostAnyStories
This was a beautiful scene, I like the way it was written. I can't wait for the next update. I like the peek into Machina's mind towards the upcoming afterlife and how fondly he thought of Meghan.
5/2/2015 c17 Angie
So I might have been internally freaking out while reading this chapter, because those scenes between Meghan and Machina were perfection! This plot is getting more and more intriguing and I can't wait to see what you have planned later-and how you're gonna incorporate other characters like Puck and Ash...?
Just a bit of advice: I'd try to stay in a consistent verb tense throughout, like either choose the present or past tense (ask vs. asked) instead of switching between the two. it's a minor detail but I tend to get notice these things. And ugh you are so mean to end on such a cliffy, so I'll be dying to see what happened to Meghan and the aftermath of Machina waking up.
4/24/2015 c16 WolfieLiker
OMG! You are so amazing writer! Can't believe how good work you are doing and in so little time! Can't even sit still while waiting the next chapter! :DD Keep up the marvelous job!
4/23/2015 c16 NoIDontPostAnyStories
I'm screaming how dare you break my heart and then toss glue in front of me?!
[whispers] I love you.
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