Just In
for A Different Ending

5/8/2011 c2 6ForeverWinters
I love this story! I love how it seems just like the books and not just a fanfiction. Please continue it! I'm looking forward to more. =)
5/4/2011 c1 11Rogue Requiem
Very interesting start. I've been wanting to see another take on the ending to "The Iron King" for a while now, mostly because I love Machina as a character and thought his appearance was much too brief in the books. (I also confess that I find him attractive, so that could possibly explain my bias. Haha!)

Anyway, you've kept everyone in character here so far, and I am grateful for that. For improvement, I would suggest keeping a better watch on your typos and grammar mistakes. Also, I believe you've made a mistake with some names from the canon. It should be "Tir Na Nog," not "Tir da nog" and "Tertius" instead of "Tretis."

I'm looking forward to the next installment and to see how Meghan is going to attempt to balance both Fae contracts. It should be very interesting, to say the least. Good luck with the next chapter! :)
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