Just In
for That kind of goodbye

5/29/2011 c1 13lookmeintheeyesnickjonas
Wow. I'm speechless!

This was so sad but so fantastic at the same time. I really felt the loss with this story.

One of your best i think!
5/6/2011 c1 11Silver Scorpion
Awwwwwie! That was...sad! But I loved-ed it...'cause it was involving Sirius and his feelings about James. 3 Keep writing!
5/4/2011 c1 4XxiceflamexX
*stares*...*stares some more* This is so ridiculously angsty. I feel so sorry for Sirius *cries* Keep writing more things, xxx
5/2/2011 c1 23xshrimpyx
Wow! This moved me. You are so great at conveying emotion through your writing. I comend you :)

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