Just In
for Oedipus Complex

4/6/2019 c4 17madmiko
Naruto sure was a devious and cunning guy when he was younger. LOL! First he gets sympathy and snuggles, then he gets to claim an indirect kiss. And he takes the lead on the scoreboard! I love this! I know it has been years since you last updated this, but I would love it if you added to this brilliant series. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
4/6/2019 c3 madmiko
LOL! Kagome's answer was hilarious! And Kakashi's reaction and thought "I made you pray so hard, Kagome." That seemed very in-character. But, the boys still managed to turn the tables in their favor by playing dumb and going along with Kagome's explanation. Good for them!
4/6/2019 c2 madmiko
Too cute! The scoreboard is a nice touch. It's fun to think about Kakashi and the boys keeping score. _
4/6/2019 c1 madmiko
What a cute idea! Can't wait to see what all poor Kakashi has to put up with!
11/16/2018 c4 Genesis Perez Vejar
Ame esto xD️
7/10/2018 c4 16Coolfire30
Shit... Please update thissssss
7/10/2018 c3 Coolfire30
I. Am. Crying. Holy. Fuck... *Dies of laughter *
6/18/2017 c4 o0-SilverMoon-0o
Hahaha! This is soooo good! Please udpate soon!
1/2/2017 c4 4Meeshkla18
It's been years since the last update but pleaaaaaase continue to write more of these amazing hilarious dribbles !~:D
I really hope to read more ;))
8/6/2016 c4 7Whitemiko12
Love it! Please update!
3/23/2016 c4 13Angelbloodlover
Oh man, I just laughed my ass off! The story was short and sweet! I loved it!
Keep up the good work! I certainly look forward to it!

11/1/2015 c4 24Eva Dreaming
Goodness, Kakashi you need to step up your game...!
9/10/2015 c4 7LadyAdalicia
Go get them Kakashi!
8/14/2015 c4 2Deadpool-girl
Lol, please update soon. I love the story so much so far and can't wait to read more.
8/1/2015 c3 1Audrianne
Those sneaky brats!
I seriously thought that Kagome would chicken out and have Kakashi explain! Though praying? That's a new one, I just had to laugh at that :)
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