2/25/2018 c5 Guest
12/13/2015 c5 Laura
Please could you update?
It was a really bad place to leave it
Please could you update?
It was a really bad place to leave it
4/1/2012 c5 Ed
Are you going to finish this story? Coz I love the story but hate how you haven't updated in ages
Are you going to finish this story? Coz I love the story but hate how you haven't updated in ages
1/2/2012 c5 Bob
Please update soon. I love this story
Please update soon. I love this story
12/25/2011 c5 anon
Merry Christmas and plz write more!
Merry Christmas and plz write more!
12/20/2011 c4
10Fox Berrie
hehe this was updated on my b-day :D but thanks for updating. i read this story a while ago and i havnt read cherub fanfics in a while so i looked it up and saw this story had an update :D this day just keeps on getting better and better :D

hehe this was updated on my b-day :D but thanks for updating. i read this story a while ago and i havnt read cherub fanfics in a while so i looked it up and saw this story had an update :D this day just keeps on getting better and better :D
12/18/2011 c4 basscymru
Ok, it's quite cool. James is gonna meet up with all his friends again, right? And, I think, since I've been reading your story, it's only fair you read mine. It's called CHERUB: Julie's story.
Ok, it's quite cool. James is gonna meet up with all his friends again, right? And, I think, since I've been reading your story, it's only fair you read mine. It's called CHERUB: Julie's story.
12/17/2011 c4 anon
Very Good. Please include a cherub reunion where James meets Kerry. :)
Very Good. Please include a cherub reunion where James meets Kerry. :)
7/9/2011 c3 V Machine On Paper NLI
reeealllly good chappie! hav a cherub reunion! and create awkward romantic tension between james and kerry! pllleeeaaassseee? *puppy dog eyes*
reeealllly good chappie! hav a cherub reunion! and create awkward romantic tension between james and kerry! pllleeeaaassseee? *puppy dog eyes*
6/30/2011 c1
2V Machine on Paper
REALLY GOOD! i usually HATE fics where james and kerry are not together anymore but u balance it out where james and sis fight over it, and plus i REEEAAALLLLYYY wanna know whats in the box! Great work, not OCC which is good. OCC-ness makes me wanna chuck my comp at the wall
once again GREAT FIC!

REALLY GOOD! i usually HATE fics where james and kerry are not together anymore but u balance it out where james and sis fight over it, and plus i REEEAAALLLLYYY wanna know whats in the box! Great work, not OCC which is good. OCC-ness makes me wanna chuck my comp at the wall
once again GREAT FIC!